W IND SPEED Beaufort scale Site number The windiest places are site 1 and 2. The reason is probably as the aspect is clear and there are no buildings near by. The most common wind speed is 2 on the Beaufort scale as in these places we were surrounded by buildings. These sites were 7,8,9,10.
W IND DIRECTION ( WHERE THE WIND TRAVELLED FROM ) North South East West Sites: 1 Sites:2,5,6 Sites:9Sites:7 Sites:4 Sites:3,8 Sites:10
W IND DIRECTION The wind direction has changed between the different sites due to the aspects. Buildings, trees and other things can change the direction of the wind. Even if its only meters apart.
TEMPERATURE The two sites with the joint highest temperature of 11°c, the reason for this is probably because both of these sites surrounded by buildings. Therefore heat could have been escaped from the buildings through windows, doors and a lack of insulation. Also, there is little wind so its warmer.
F INAL CONCLUSION A microclimate is a small climate inside a much larger one. Climates can have many different Micro-climates inside one. I discovered that around Hayes School: The windiest place is site 1 & 2 as there is no buildings around it. Also, its in the middle of the large playing field. The warmest place is site 7 & 10 as they are surrounded by buildings so they let of heat. The driest place is site 4 as there is no mud or grass near it. Also, its only concrete and buildings around it. The coldest place is site 2 as it is the most open of all the 10 sites and it was also the most windiest as well so that also adds to the cold temperatures.