Walk-in Access Wales SCONUL community event, 25/10/12 Bronwen Blatchford, WHELF
Introduction WHELF and walk-in access Walk-in Access Wales Walk-in access in Welsh HEIs Walk-in access at UWTSD Main challenges and questions
2011 survey – WiA not available CyMAL bid – pilot sites and toolkit Aim to set up WiA across Wales by end of 2013 WHELF and walk-in access
Walk-in Access Wales Walrus picture W alk-in A ccess to L ibrary R esources in U niversitieS Image by USFWS/Joel Garlich-Miller
Walk-in Access Wales Project lead: UW Trinity Saint David Project Officer: one day p/w Steering group: representation from 6 Welsh HEIs plus WHELF Officer Technical contact: IT Manager at TSD
Cardiff University Investigated after Launched 2012 in 4 out of 15 site libraries. Resources: JISC, NESLi and Eduserv licenses. Licensing: Legal Compliance Officer checked licenses and drew up terms and conditions Registration: Bring 1 form of ID, complete paper form and sign terms and conditions. Technical: users insert chipped smartcard into Sun Ray thin client. Starts bespoke Firefox session. No CU network or internet access. Resources IP authenticated. Printing now permitted via MyPrint.
Cardiff Metropolitan University Investigated WiA in Launched 2012 in 1 site. Resources: JISC, NESLi and Eduserv licenses. Licensing: e-Services Info Advisor reviewed licenses. Registration: bring 2 forms of ID, complete form and sign Acceptable Use Policy. Must be 18 or over. Technical: network guest accounts. Web station PCs flip to WiA – IE opens public web page with IP authenticated resources. No URL bar to access external sites. Users can save to USB but not print.
UW Trinity Saint David Carmarthen campus
UW Trinity Saint David Carmarthen campus – Lampeter and SMU at a later stage Looked at CU and CMU. Decided on CMU solution – network guest accounts with IP authentication. JISC/NESLi/Eduserv licenses Make use of CU and CMU documentation
Challenges and questions Licensing and technical issues Technical: WiA is a library service – need an IT contact to work with and IT solution that works for you Share documentation Students must be priority Promotion…will we be overrun?
Contact us Bronwen Blatchford