Life Skills Skills to help you feel good about yourself, express yourself, make good decisions and reach your goals.
Life Skills – Lesson 1 Self Image Learning Targets: 1. What is self image? 2. What are 3 techniques for improving your self image?
Self Image Self Image is how you see yourself. It is a number of self-impressions that have built up over time. What effect can a positive self-image have on you?
Discuss Some Experiences Have you ever had an experience that helped boost your self-image? How about experiences that hurt your self image?
How do you improve your self-image? Spend time with people who like you and care about you. Ignore (and stay away from) people who put you down or treat you badly. Do things that you enjoy or that make you feel good. Do things you are good at. Reward yourself for your successes. Develop your talents. Be your own best friend - treat yourself well and do things that are good for you. Make good choices for yourself, and don't let others make your choices for you. Take responsibility for yourself, your choices, and your actions. Always do what you believe is right. Be true to yourself and your values. Respect other people and treat them right. Set goals and work to achieve them.
Wrap-up Questions Who is in control of what you do and how you feel about yourself? Why is it important to maintain a positive image of yourself and others?
Assignment Trace your hands –Left side = Favorites (on each finger) –Right side = Things you are good at (on each finger) Trace your feet –Left side = Things you don’t like(on each toe) –Right side = Things you are not so good at (on each toe) Connect the hands and feet by drawing a body and head. Come up with a creative title using your first and last name. (should be colored and written neatly) –Draw pictures of those things you wrote on your fingers and toes if you have extra time.