ry.htm ry.htm 1. According to this timeline, what did the paleo natives leave behind? 2. Which came first? The old Mormon fort or statehood? 3. What was the dominant industry in Las Vegas in 1885? 4. What was the original name of Las Vegas boulevard? 5. What county was Las Vegas in originally? 6. What is the population of Las Vegas at incorporation? 7. What is the smith center? 8. When did construction begin on our new city hall?
Statistics/historic_sites.htm Select one historical site on the city of Las Vegas website and explain why you or someone else would want to see it in a paragraph.
Go to “maps” and click on the ‘interactive maps” button. Type in your address and list the following information: Who represents you in the: 1. State senate 2. State Assembly 3. U.S. house of representatives
Nv.gov 1. Overall, what is the line item budget? (How much money?) 2. Which department spends the most? Select one state park and write a paragraph summary about the information on visiting the park
Last one! Go here and go to “law Library” Take the first letter of your last name, (Ballentine = B) Look up a law using the index search using that letter. Explain in your own words what that law means.