Osprey ½ inches Breeding mostly Rivers, lakes, coasts Fish
Belted Kingfisher 13 inches Year round Near water Mostly fish
Wood Duck 17 to 20 inches Breeding Wooded swamps, rivers and ponds Aquatic plants, seeds, grass, small aquatic animals and insects
Eastern Bluebird 7 inches Year round Open country with scattered trees; cavity nester Insects, worms, berries, fruits
Great Blue Heron 42 – 52 inches Year round Shallow water Fish, frogs, crayfish, insects
AmericanCrow 17 – 21 inches Year round Almost any habitiat Almost anything edible
Canada Goose 25 – 43 inches Year round Water and fields Grasses, seeds and aquatic plants
Common Yellowthroat 4 ½ to 5 ½ inches Breeding Swamps, marshes, wet thickets Mainly insects
Great Egret 38 inches Year round Shallow water Fish, frogs, crayfish, insects
Red-Tailed Hawk 19 – 25 inches Year round Woodlands to fields; generalist Rodents, reptiles, small birds and grasshoppers
Baltimore Oriole 7 – 8 inches Breeding Forest edges, orchards and shade trees Insects, small fruits, seeds, nectar and jelly
Northern Flicker inches Year round Open forests, semi- open lawns Insects, berries, seeds and sap
Gray Catbird 9 inches Breeding Underbrush, brush Insects, fruits
Field Sparrow 5 inches Breeding Fields and brush Seeds, insects and small fruits
White – Breasted Nuthatch 5 – 6 inches Year round Wooded areas Insects, seeds, nuts and suet
Information in this presentation was taken from: *A Field Guide to the Birds of Eastern and Central North America, 5 th ed. Roger Tory Peterson and Virginia Marie Peterson. Houghton Mifflin Company *Bird Song Ear Training Guide by John FeithInformation in this presentation was taken from: *A Field Guide to the Birds of Eastern and Central North America, 5 th ed. Roger Tory Peterson and Virginia Marie Peterson. Houghton Mifflin Company *Bird Song Ear Training Guide by John Feith