1 Atomic Resolution Imaging of Carbon Nanotubes from Diffraction Intensities J.M. Zuo 1, I.A. Vartanyants 2, M. Gao 1, R. Zhang 3, L.A.Nagahara 3 1 Department of Materials Science and Engineering, UIUC 2 Department of Physics, UIUC 3 Physical Sciences Research Lab., Motorola Labs Science 300, 1419 (2003)
2 Carbon Nanotubes (atomic structure) c=na 1 +ma 2, c – wrapping vector, a 1, a 2 – unit vectors n=m – ‘armchair’ m=0 – ‘zigzag’ STM images of single-walled nanotubes J. Wildoer, et al, Science, 391, 59 (1998).
3 Carbon Nanotubes (imaging) Structure: A – armchair B - zigzag C – chiral Imaging: D – STM image of 1.3 nm SWNT (J. Wildoer et al., Science 391, 59 (1998)) E – TEM image of MWNT F – TEM micrograph of 1.4 nm SWNTs in a bundle (A. Thess et al., Science 273, 483 (1996) G – SEM image of MWNTs grown as a nanotube forest
4 Coherent Nano-Area Electron Diffraction Schematic ray diagram CL – condenser lens CA – condenser aperture FP – front focal plane OL – objective lens D – imaging plates
5 Electron Scattering on Carbon Nanotubes Weak phase object – kinematic scattering Transmission function Diffracted intensity: For constant illumination: (r)=const
6 Electron wavefront on the sample 10 m aperture C s and f – spherical aberration and defocus of electron lens
7 Electron Diffraction pattern from SWNT Scattering amplitude for SWNT: Simulated diffraction pattern (n 1, n 2 )=(14, 6) d=1.39 nm, =17.0º M. Gao, J.M. Zuo et al., Appl. Phys. Lett (2003) Experiment diffraction pattern d=1.40±0.02 nm, =17.0º(±0.2º)
8 Iterative phase retrieval algorithm sk(x)sk(x)Ak(q)Ak(q) Reciprocal Space Constraints A'k(q)A'k(q)s'k(x)s'k(x) Real Space Constraints FFT FFT -1 Real space constraints: finite support real, positive Reciprocal space constraint: R.W.Gerchberg & W.O. Saxton, Optic (1972) 35, 237 J.R. Fienup, Appl Opt. (1982). 21, 2758 R.P. Millane & W.J. Stroud, J. Opt. Soc. Am. (1997) A14, 568
9 Reconstruction of SWNT from simulated data Simulated diffraction patternReconstructed Image
10 Model for SWNT (d=1.39 nm, =17º)
11 Reconstruction of SWNT Experimental Diffraction PatternReconstructed Diffraction Pattern
12 Reconstructed Image of SWNT
13 Far-field diffraction pattern from DWNT Pixel resolution /nm
14 1d reconstruction from DWNT Equatorial dataReconstructed electron density
15 Electron Diffraction Pattern from DWNT ExperimentReconstruction
16 Reconstructed Image of DWNT
17 Reconstructed Image and model of DWNT Model Outer tube: (n 1,n 2 )=(35,25) d 1 =4.09 nm Inner tube: (n 1,n 2 )=(26,24) d 2 =3.39 nm
18 Possible Applications I.Imaging of biological molecules ferritine, actines, radiation damage II.Imaging of nanostructures nanowires nanoclusters