Ms.Saira Majeed The City School English Jr.III
Adapt 21 st century’s teaching approaches to develop students’ understanding of the language skills. To groom the students in the most appropriate way to face the real world challenges. To inculcate the habit of collaborative skills. To raise the cognitive skills through language. To sharpen the process of critical thinking.
By the end of the month students will be able to; Understand the given text and comprehend it accordingly. Learn and use new vocabulary words in their sentences. Write a shape poem using rhyming words. Understand calligrams. Compare stories by the same author. Read the given text with correct pronunciation and expressions.. Use compound words in their sentences. Write a book review of their favorite book. Use connectives in their sentences. Compose different types of creative writing on the given topics.
70% of the students will be able to write in Nelson handwriting script. % of the students will be able to comprehend the given text in their own words. % students will be able to read the given text with correct pronunciation and expressions. 60-65% students will be able to think critically to write shape poems using rhyming words. 65-70% students will be able to compare stories by the same author and write book review using the correct format. 70% students will be able to use connectives to join sentences.
BLOOM’S TAXONOMY Bloom’s Taxonomy provides a guideline for creating different assignments, questions, discussions and assessments that addresses the kinds of skills that students must develop to become critical thinker and learners. Teachers often spend most of their time on first 2 steps, but the last four steps are where critical thinking is developed.
BLOOM IN CLASSROOM Knowing Comprehending Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating Learning, vocabulary enrichment Reading, answering questions, discussions. Formatting sentences, solving worksheets Summarizing. Creative writing, Dictation. Writing shape poem, writing book review.
GENRES OF ENGLISH Comprehension Language Grammar Spelling Composition
Syllabus Breakup WeekPeriodTopicsClass WorkHome Work 1 st 1Paper review- 2Reading The cyclone (WOZ)Reading The Cyclone 2nd3All shapes and sizes Activity 2 p.bk pg 55H.Bk pg 3Rhyming words H.R pg 63,in bk pg 76 ex B in copy Ex A,C in bk H.R pg 42 Q 1,3,5,8 in h.w copy 2Writing a shape poem Activity 3 P.Bk pg 56 Write a shape poem on a cat or a duck 3rd3Most magnificent storiesActivity 1 P.bk pg 58Dictation note 2Comparing stories by the same author Activity 2 Pg 61 2Reading The scare crow 1DictationP.B pg 58(last paragraph)
Syllabus Breakup WeekPeriodTopicsClass WorkHome Work 4th2Compounds words Activity 3 P.Bk pg 62 3Writing a book review Activity 4,5 P.Bk pg 63,64 3In the post Activity 1 P.Bk pg 68 5th2Connectives P.Bk pg 70 H.R pg55 1Reading A man with no heart 3A roller coasterActivity 1 P.Bk Pg 73- 2Jacqueline HydeActivity 2 P.Bk Pg 78
Instructional Strategies
Changing challenges into opportunities “ We must open the doors of opportunity. But we must also equip our people to walk through those doors. ” Lyndon B. Johnson Challenges Opportunities Availability of resources on time. Discipline Problems during group task. Provision of lab to students for introduction of complicated concepts. Students feel shy to raise questions Informing the head for resources prior through effective planning. Motivate groups by giving extrinsic rewards Involving lab incharge for availability of lab resources. Encourage them by prompting to create a question
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