LEJASCIEMS SECONDARY SCHOOL Self -defence club Devoloping Confident Global Learning Communities
The goal of this camp was to learn how to accept differences in the world, break stereotypes militaristic croop out of their comfort zone. The camp purposes
At first self- defence lesson we told about a camp and also about activities what we did in Spain.
We invited free fight specialists who told us about what he does, what he has learnt to his students and he showed some moves for self - defence.
We showed the audience what we had learned in Spain, some of the techniques what we learned there. More specifically, some showed Aikido techniques what we have been learned.
After our demonstrations, guest showed us a variety of demonstrations of protection elements, what we can use every day when somebody attacks to us.
In self –defence lessons through yoga we have learnt how to protect our body and more detailed to know it. We have also learnt what is energetical self- defence.
Conclusions During these lessons we have got: Knowledge about self- defence and martial arts; Learning of tools for self- defence; Introduction of our concentration skills, endurance and decisiveness.
Thanks for watching.