1 Tech-infused Project-Based Learning Objectives 1. Develop and implement a project based learning plan based on the new Generation Sunshine State Standards (NGSSS) and National Education Technology Standards (NETS) for Students. 2. Develop organizational skills in respect to project-based learning. 3. Develop alternative assessments strategies for providing feedback to students on their progress in achieving learning objectives. 4. Learn and practice technology integration skills and digital strategies for 21st century classrooms. 5. Develop collaboration and mentoring skills via a team approach to teaching and learning.
2 Project based learning
3 SuccessesBarriers
Devastating Weather Model Project
Phase 1: Student Planning Top Left Quadrant Step 1 Brainstorm weather events that you group feels are devastating. Step 2: Categorize and label, if needed. Step 3: What three events, of the events brainstormed, does your team feel are the most devastating? (Recorder circles top three events.)
Phase 1: Student Planning Top Right Quadrant Step 4 In the top right quadrant write a definition of devastating weather – based on your reasoning for choosing the three most devastating events.. (Recorder writes definition in top right quadrant.)
Phase 1: Student Planning Bottom Left Quadrant Step 5: Based on your definition determine three questions that you would address to determine which event of the three chosen would be the most devastating. (Recorder writes questions in bottom left quadrant.) Ex: How many lives would be lost? (This question would be researched for each of the three events selected as “most devastating.”)
Phase 1: Student Planning Bottom Right Quadrant Step 6: Hypothesize which of the three events will be the most devastating and record the answer in the bottom right quadrant.
10 Teacher hat Reflection: Phase 1 - “Plan” What was the purpose of the process? Why was chart paper used instead of a software application? do you think your team should receive all 8 points on the rubric for the planning process?
Phase 2: Student Gathering Rubric Process Guide Computer for each person Access to the Internet Method to transfer date from one computer to the Devastating Weather
12 Roles and Responsibilities: Review or suggest how roles can be determined. Guidelines and Criteria: File Management: Storing Data and Multimedia = Make sure they have a place to store their information. Discuss folder organization and naming conventions. For this project, again, the structure will be simple.
13 Research: Determining Valid Websites – Discuss who and when might this be done with their students. (Note: You might want to have a folder set up in ikeepbookmarks to model using a bookmark website.) Content and capture guidelines: Understand fair use copyright guidelines Citing Sources – Explain how to site sources for the text and images they will be gathering.
14 Devastating Weather Phase 3: Build
Create a presentation to explain your viewpoint on the one devastating event you chose. The goal is to persuade the audience. 15
Roles and Responsibilities: Roles might change for this part or you could keep the same role you did in research and be responsible for that portion of the presentation. They need to determine who will be responsible for what component of presentation development. One person will not do the presentation. 16
Guidelines and Criteria: Review the components Content; Applications Slideshow Multimedia 17
The Process: Create presentation Present and reflect 18
7 Process Planning:End in Mind What will be the outcome of this project? Discuss ideas: Student learning Teacher learning Student product Review: Showcase Event
8 Planning the Timeline What will be the timeline for each phase of the project?(timeline template) Determine Beginning and Ending Dates: Showcase and Reflection Student Build Phase Student Gather Phase Student Plan Phase Project Start-up Teacher Planning Determine Dates for District Lead / Consultant
9 The Process How many classes or how much time will be given to the project by each teacher? Discuss possible schedule and time consultant will have with each teacher. Discuss possible methods consultant can mentor, model, and support teachers in the classroom.
10 The Process What will be the essential question? Craft or revisit the essential question. Determine Standards each teacher will target. Determine driving question each teacher will use to target curriculum.
23 11 Planning Review the question guidelines and planning template.