Promoting To District Manager
When you accumulate $800 PRV—your personal sales or $2,000 RV in a month, you will automatically enter into qualification for District Manager.. Qualifications
$4,800 RV in one month, $4,800 RV over two consecutive months, or $6,000 RV over three consecutive months. RV will be accumulated over the entire qualification period. Minimum $2,000 RV in the last month of the qualification period. Minimum $800 PRV accumulated in the qualification period. If applicable, Pick-up Credit of $500 RV for one or more personally sponsored, promoted, paid-as District Manager or above, 1st Generation, each month To Complete Qualification
Getting to DM in ONE Month with $4800 RV You $1,500 RV 4 Gold Bags $1500 RV 4 Gold Bags $1500 RV Preferred Client $150 Product Order Preferred Client $150 Product Order
Getting To DM in Two Months (Total $4800) $2400 in Month #1 You $800 PRV Consultant $800 RV Preferred Client $150 Product Order Preferred Client $150 Product Order Preferred Client $350 RSVP Preferred Client $150 Product Order
Getting To DM in Two Months $2400 in Month #2 You $800 RV Consultant $800 RV Preferred Client $150 Product Order Preferred Client $150 Product Order Preferred Client $350 RSVP Preferred Client $150 Product Order
Getting to DM in Three Months (Total $6000) $2000 Month #1 You $800 PRV Consultant $800 PRV Preferred Client $150 Product Order Preferred Client $150 Product Order Preferred Client $150 Product Order
Getting to DM in Three Months $2000 Month #2 You $800 RV Consultant $800 PRV Preferred Client $150 Product Order Preferred Client $150 Product Order Preferred Client $150 Product Order
Getting to DM in Three Months with $2000 Month #3 You $800 RV Consultant $800 PRV Preferred Client $150 Product Order Preferred Client $150 Product Order Preferred Client $150 Product Order
Become a District Manager Making Machine Re-qualify for DM every month Don’t rely on anyone else to build your business Consistently launch new business partners Example: “I have these people, if they would just go out and find this many more, I’ll be there” **NO** –“If it is to be it is up to me! I own this business!” –“I will have a DM in qualification direct to me every month.” You model this, others will too!
Hold consistent 1 on 1’s and group presentations each month, making sure that each one yields a replacement.. If not, get on the phone We are in the appointment business From each presentation call 2 people for a business meeting. Intend to have a minimum of 2 business appointments each week Keep a balanced calendar
Remember: Look LEFT in webstats – the left side is your personal business. Your width is your Paycheck and you depth is your security! You want to have your width stay in front of your depth! You want to have a Stable Table
Successful District Managers… Attend every event or conference call in your first six months. Spend daily self development time. Discipline your disappointments. Know when to let go and move on.
Visualize and Act the part you want and are becoming. Say, “Whatever it takes” and be committed. Work 80% of your time prospecting and sponsoring.
Ask yourself – Am I in the blaming mode, justifying mode, or BUILDING mode? Don’t wait for people to “make it happen”, rather YOU make it happen. Duplicate yourself - - if you were looking for a job, would you hire yourself? What would your team look like if they all looked like you?
Realize that YOU set the tone. Speed of the leader - speed of the pack. Be professional. Anything you say is a reflection of who you are and where you are going. Read your 21 reasons “Why” often as affirmations.
Lastly Have fun - - take the business seriously but not yourself. Learn and grow along the way. Laugh Often!