Key Stage 3 National Strategy 1 The Key Stage 3 National Strategy Foundation subjects Conference for LEAs Day 2
Key Stage 3 National Strategy 2 Purpose To provide an overview of the Foundation subjects strand and the Key Stage 3 National Strategy. To clarify expectations of LEAs for effective implementation of the strand. To support LEA planning for implementation of the strand.
Key Stage 3 National Strategy 3 Foundation subjects strand The role of the line manager
Key Stage 3 National Strategy 4 Overview Expectations from 2002 The role of the line manager Planning implementation Next steps
Key Stage 3 National Strategy 5 Foundation subjects Expectations from 2002 ‘The quality of teaching and learning is at the heart of school improvement.’ Brighouse and Woods
Key Stage 3 National Strategy 6 Foundation subjects The purpose of this strand is to raise standards by supporting and delivering high quality teaching and learning. It aims to help teachers to become more effective so that pupils improve in what and how they learn.
Key Stage 3 National Strategy 7 Foundation subjects in Training Materials for the Foundation subjects folder LEA half-day briefing for all schools Optional training for all schools Consultancy support for ‘additional support’ schools
Key Stage 3 National Strategy 8 Training Programme For all schools Half-day briefing on the foundation subjects training pack, in October, for a senior manager and a teacher who will lead training. Standards Fund allocation – 1 day supply cover (£145) for all schools with Key Stage 3 pupils. Optional courses in the Autumn and Spring. For ‘additional support’ schools Consultant support and in-school training for ‘foundation subjects’ departments. Each consultant is funded to work with 12 ‘foundation subjects’ departments. Optional courses in the Autumn and Spring. Standards Fund allocation – 8 days supply cover (£1,160) plus £450 grant for each ‘foundation subjects’ department.
Key Stage 3 National Strategy 9 Key Stage 3 Operational Plan By the end of the summer “LEAs have attended briefings on foundation subjects and ICT and are preparing for the introduction of these strands. Departments have made better use of the subject audit to review their work and development objectives.” By December “Foundation subjects departments are responding very positively to the foundation subjects training folder and are planning lessons focused on specific objectives.” By Easter 2003 – “There is growing enthusiasm for science, ICT and foundation subjects and much improved understanding of the Strategy’s coherence. There are marked improvements in the quality of teaching, pace of work and standards being achieved in all subjects. Departments involved in foundation subjects can see a telling difference in pupils’ work in lessons.”
Key Stage 3 National Strategy 10 Key Dates – what’s to be done by when? September 2002 Schools to receive additional support in agreed. October 2002 All schools send a senior manager and a teacher to the LEA half-day briefing. Autumn Term 2002 and Spring Term 2003 Consultancy support provided for additional support schools. Optional training organised in response to identified needs. January 2003 Identify next cohort of schools for additional support in
Key Stage 3 National Strategy 11 Foundation subjects The role of the line manager
Key Stage 3 National Strategy 12 The Key Stage 3 National Strategy LEA The National Team Schools Consultant
Key Stage 3 National Strategy 13 LEA decisions How can the strand be used to support the LEA’s priorities for improving teaching and learning in the foundation subjects? How will support and training be provided and targeted? How will work in the foundation subjects be integrated into the wider LEA improvement agenda? How will good practice be developed and embedded? What are the anticipated outcomes and targets for improvement?
Key Stage 3 National Strategy 14 The Line Manager’s Tasks Line Manager Regional Director Schools Consultant Strategic leadership and management LEA ‘challenge and support’ agenda Managing consultant(s) Training and support Developing and embedding good practice
Key Stage 3 National Strategy 15 Foundation subjects Strategic leadership and management Secure effective strategic leadership and management of the strand in the LEA and in schools.
Key Stage 3 National Strategy 16 Foundation subjects LEA ‘challenge and support’ agenda EDP2 – national and local priorities Challenge, support and intervention Target setting and programme of visits
Key Stage 3 National Strategy 17 Selecting ‘additional support’ schools LEAs are recommended to work with a range of schools taking account of local priorities and the needs of schools and their capacity to make good use of the additional funding. Some schools may be targeted for additional support because they need to make improvements in the foundation subjects. Schools should also be chosen on the basis of their willingness and ability to build capacity and manage change.
Key Stage 3 National Strategy 18 Selected schools should... Be strongly committed to improving teaching and learning. Be equipped with the leadership and managerial capacity to improve. Be able to draw upon known teaching strengths.
Key Stage 3 National Strategy 19 From September 2002 ‘additional support’ departments will... Attend a half-day briefing for all schools. Undertake a subject audit for identifying priorities and action points. Use the training materials to address action points. Receive in-school support and training from the consultant. Attend optional training courses.
Key Stage 3 National Strategy 20 Decisions – Schools and departments Decisions How many departments to involve? Which departments and teachers to involve in the Foundation subjects strand? What will the focus of the foundation subjects work be? Factors to consider Schools capacity to manage and support. Critical mass? Current strengths and weaknesses, willingness, capacity and commitment. Are they the right departments? How have the priorities for development been identified through the departmental audit? Are they the right priorities?
Key Stage 3 National Strategy 21 Monitoring and Evaluation Monitoring Are school plans in place and being implemented on time? Is data and information being collected systematically to inform evaluation – by the department, school and LEA? Evaluation What has been the impact of the plans, improvements in the quality of teaching and in pupils’ learning and attainment?
Key Stage 3 National Strategy 22 Foundation subjects Managing consultant(s) The consultant’s role The line manager’s role Supporting your consultant
Key Stage 3 National Strategy 23 The Consultant’s Environment LEA Line ManagerRegional Director Teachers Consultant
Key Stage 3 National Strategy 24 The Consultant’s Role Working with individual teachers to improve practice. Working with foundation subjects HoDs/subject leaders and senior managers. Supporting audit and action planning. Providing demonstration lessons, team teaching and coaching. Providing training on the foundation subjects modules. Networking – Key Stage 3, NLS and NNS teams, LAIs, good practice networks. Monitoring, evaluating and reporting to the LEA.
Key Stage 3 National Strategy 25 The Consultant’s Role Working with teachers in classrooms Leading training – in school and central training Personal CPD and regional meetings Networking and meetings
Key Stage 3 National Strategy 26 The Line Manager’s Role Line Manager Regional Director Schools Consultant Professional support Networking LEA ‘challenge and support’ agenda
Key Stage 3 National Strategy 27 Supporting your consultant Professional support Provide contextual school information. Support establishing and maintaining working relationships. Maintain a foundation subjects focus. Ensure correct priorities are addressed and appropriate strategies are used. Identify and address their CPD needs. Networking Linking to Key Stage 3 team, NLS, NNS, LAIs. Linking to other initiatives - EAZs, EiC. Linking to wider good practice networks – ASTs, beacon, specialist and training schools. Challenge and support agenda Provide support at a strategic level working with senior managers and LAIs. Contribute to LEA monitoring and evaluation.
Key Stage 3 National Strategy 28 Foundation subjects Training and support Auditing and action planning Training modules Other LEA training (e.g. LAC, NAC) Support for good practice
Key Stage 3 National Strategy 29 Auditing a subject at Key Stage 3 ‘However, a key part of the wider preparations, the subject audit, was not well done.’ ‘It is important that schools are helped to complete the subject audits so that they are useful in reviewing teaching and in identifying the action need to improve it.’ The Key Stage 3 Strategy – Evaluation of the First Year of the Pilot, Ofsted 2002
Key Stage 3 National Strategy 30 Auditing a subject at Key Stage 3 The purpose of a subject audit is to help a department or faculty decide on its priorities for strengthening its work and to identify action points to improve standards in the subjects. The action points identified through audit will provide the basis of the selection of training modules.
Key Stage 3 National Strategy 31 Effective audits involve... Analysis of data on pupils’ attainment and progress. Scrutiny of samples of pupils’ work and marking. Reviewing schemes of work and short-term planning. Observations of lessons. All departmental staff in gathering and reviewing evidence. A senior manager working with the head of department/subject leader. Consultant’s support (‘additional support’ schools).
Key Stage 3 National Strategy 32 Auditing a subject at Key Stage 3 The Strategy’s subject audit, with a separate version for special schools, can be found on the Key Stage 3 website: The audit guide is for any subject. Additional guidance for auditing the foundation subjects may be found in the foundation subjects section of the Key Stage 3 website.
Key Stage 3 National Strategy 33 Foundation subjects Developing and embedding good practice
Key Stage 3 National Strategy 34 In your LEA... Have good practice case studies and teaching materials been collected and ‘published’? Are videos, made in LEA schools, used to share good practice? How many teachers in your LEA have received Best Practice Research Scholarships? Are there young teachers who are gaining a reputation for good practice outside their own school?
Key Stage 3 National Strategy 35 Good practice HoD/subject leaders’ network meetings Optional training Links with LAC and NAC training School good practice networks (beacon, specialist, training schools) Publications and website Good practice conferences Coaching/mentoring programme AST programme Links with HEIs DfES CPD programmes (BPRS, TIPD, Sabbaticals, etc.) NCSL programmes
Key Stage 3 National Strategy 36 CPD activities that have most impact on classroom practice... Opportunities to learn from and with other teachers, in their own or other schools: by observing colleagues teaching and discussing what they have observed; through collaborative enquiry into real school improvement problems, drawing on best practice in developing solutions; by taking part in coaching or mentoring; high quality focused training on specific skill areas, underpinned by excellent teaching materials and direct support to apply their learning back in the classroom. ‘Learning and teaching – A strategy for professional development’, DfEE, 0071/2001
Key Stage 3 National Strategy 37 Foundation subjects LEA case study Activity 2
Key Stage 3 National Strategy 38 Foundation subjects A line manager’s story Activity 3
Key Stage 3 National Strategy 39 Activity 3 – A line managers’ story What were the key features of success? Learning – different next time?
Key Stage 3 National Strategy 40 Foundation subjects Planning implementation
Key Stage 3 National Strategy 41 Effective local implementation Strategies are given a high priority by senior staff and are actively integrated into the strategic management process. School improvement service and NLS, NNS and Key Stage 3 teams work together. LEA uses performance data to inform and direct its support for schools. Implementation and embedding of strategies is a focus for discussions between the LEA and headteachers.
Key Stage 3 National Strategy 42 ‘Course attendance was the main vehicle for professional development in most of the schools. However, inspectors noted evidence of a growing awareness of the value of other forms of CPD. These included, in particular, sharing expertise of teachers in the same school, sharing knowledge and skills with teachers in other schools, and using consultants to provide in-school programmes of support to tackle a specific need.’ Continuing Professional Development for Teachers in Schools, HMI 410, Ofsted, 2002
Key Stage 3 National Strategy 43 Framework for the inspection of LEAs School improvement The inspection will focus on the effects of the LEA’s support to schools... the extent to which the LEA is successfully implementing national strategies to raise pupils’ achievement, including... the Key Stage 3 Strategy. Framework for the inspection of LEAs, Paragraph 22, Ofsted, 2002
Key Stage 3 National Strategy 44 The purpose of the Foundation subjects strand is to raise standards by supporting and delivering high quality teaching and learning. ‘How and whether or not pupils learn is directly related to how and if teachers become better.’ Fullan and Hargreaves
Key Stage 3 National Strategy Key Tasks Secure effective strategic leadership and management of the strand in the LEA and in schools, plan the implementation of the strand, in line with EDP2 and provide the half-day briefing for all schools. Consult and select ‘additional support’ schools for and (in January 2003) for Determine the consultant’s deployment and set up systems for managing and supporting their work. Ensure departments undertake effective audits as the basis for action planning and selection of training modules. Identify schools’/departments’ optional training needs and plan provision. Use a range of strategies for spreading good practice. Promote school self-evaluation of the strand and set up the LEA system for monitoring and evaluation of the strand. Organise regular meetings with the consultant(s) and establish strong links with the rest of the Key Stage 3, NLS and NNS teams. Ensure good liaison and exchange of information with LAIs. Attend regional network meetings and meetings with your regional director.
Key Stage 3 National Strategy 46 Foundation subjects Planning implementation Activity 4
Key Stage 3 National Strategy 47 Activity 4 – Planning implementation Review ‘Your LEA context’ (Activity 1). For each of the 10 key tasks, identify the action required, who is responsible and who is involved and the links to be made to other Key Stage 3 and LEA activities.
Key Stage 3 National Strategy 48 The Key Stage 3 National Strategy Foundation subjects
Key Stage 3 National Strategy 49 Foundation subjects Next steps Line managers’ meetings Consultants’ training Consultants’ meetings
Key Stage 3 National Strategy 50 Key Stage 3 Strategy documents Managing the second year, DfES 0143/2002. Key Stage 3 National Strategy – Termly letter from the National Director. Securing improvement: the role of subject leaders, DfES 0102/2002. Designing the Key Stage 3 curriculum, DfES 0003/2002 Making good use of the plenary, DfES 0192/2002
Key Stage 3 National Strategy 51 DfES Key Stage 3 Websites Public Site Open access for schools Publications Case studies News Strategy calendar – termly priorities for schools Consultants’ Site Password protected for LEA managers and consultants Publications Case studies News Calendar of consultants’ training events
Key Stage 3 National Strategy 52 Strand developments Increased subject focus. Modern foreign languages framework. Pilots in design technology and geography (2003). Subject leadership support materials and training (Key Stage 3 Strategy). Coaching training (Key Stage 3 Strategy).
Key Stage 3 National Strategy 53 Purpose To provide an overview of the Foundation subjects strand and the Key Stage 3 National Strategy. To clarify expectations of LEAs for effective implementation of the strand. To support LEA planning for implementation of the strand.