August 2011 Anne Kilbourn
Name four valuable uses of school loop.
Think of School Loop as your own on-line school office. You see offices on television or in movies and they all have basically the same sections or areas. A place to enter, filing cabinets, ways to communicate like computers, Fax machines and telephones, worktables, desk areas, rooms to store stuff you aren’t using right now but will in the future and wastebaskets.
Let’s take a quick look at your Portal Page and see what all the sections or areas are for.
Here’s your Portal Page. Of course you’re not George but your name will be where his is. This is like the door to your School Loop office. It is divided into 12 sections, like a floorplan. Here they are numbered in RED so as we go through them you can find the section being discussed
(1) Icon Toolbar Your portal has the same icons as teachers and parent accounts with one exception. Parent’s accounts do not have the DROPBOX icon.
LoopMail Groups My Locker Calendar Dropbox HELP is the same as on any computer. Click here and a HELP menu will open. More on this later. Always remember to click here to LOGOUT.
#2 Dashboard All of the grades and progress reports published by teachers are located here. Additionally, the student can see the number of zeros for each course, progress reports from your classes, and a list of the student’s current assignments with their due dates.
#3 Attendance Any absences the student may have will appear in this box. The student may view his/her attendance for the year by clicking the All Attendance box.
#4 Current Assignments In the Current Assignments the student will find the title of the assignment, class period, and due dates.
#5 Calendar The calendar allows the student to view what is going to take place during class for the week.
#6 School Loop Mail This section advises the student that he/she has new s. 6
#7 School Lunch This section advises the student how much money is in his/her school lunch account. This is updated every Monday. 7
#8 Demographics Information The demographics section lists the student’s address, phone number, gender, and race. 8
#9 My Discussions The my discussions section allows the student to view and participate in discussion with other students and teachers. 9
#10 News The news sections allows the student to view news that has been posted to the webpage and is able to keep up on events happening at the school. 10
#11 Schedule The schedule section allows the student to view his/her schedule, quickly teachers, and view the class webpage. 11
#12 Group Projects The student will be able to communicate and post assignments for group members and teachers to view. 12
Make a list new information you learned about school loop. Make a list of questions you have about school loop.