The “essence” of God, and therefore of Christianity, is “love,” 1John 4:7-8. This sounds good on abstract, platitudinous, and doctrinal levels, but how is it manifested in practical real-life ways? 1John 4:9-11 says God provides the example that we should follow. “But how do I/we follow God’s example?” becomes the critical question. Let’s see if we can answer it…
#1- Loving Sacrificially, v.9a God’s great love was manifested through the sacrifice of His only Son, John 3:16a. True, biblical, and thus divine love establishes value- it says, “You are valuable to me because I love you,” Rom.5:8. Its opposite, lust, requires a value- it says, “I ‘love’ you because you are valuable to me,” cp. Jude 12-13, Thus, true, divine love is “selfless”- but lust is “selfish.” We cannot love like God - selflessly and sacrificially, while being lustfully selfish. Therefore, to truly love like God, we must put the interests of the object of our affection before our own = selflessly sacrificial, Phil.2:3. The “Essence” of Christianity There are three essential keys to loving, and therefore becoming, like God in 1John 4:9-11:
#1- Loving Sacrificially, v.9a #2- Loving Sufficiently, v.9b I don’t mean sufficiently as “ adequately” (though such is also involved), but as “supplying a need.” God’s love enabled Him to be willing to sacrifice to supply our most important need, John 3:16b; 1John 4:10b. We usually “get” this aspect of love when we first become parents, Matt.7:7-12. Thus, when we learn to love selflessly, sacrificially, and sufficiently like God, love becomes much more than just a felt emotion, it becomes an avocation, Eph.5:25-27; Titus 2:4-5. The “Essence” of Christianity There are three essential keys to loving, and therefore becoming, like God in 1John 4:9-11:
#1- Loving Sacrificially, v.9a #2- Loving Sufficiently, v.9b #3- Loving Supremely, v.10a I don’t mean supremely as “ more than all others” (unless manifest for/to God ), but as “before all others” (in time). God loved us not only sacrificially and sufficiently, He didn’t wait for us to love Him first, Rom.5:8-10! To become “perfect” ( teleios- mature, complete, lacking nothing) like God, we must love as He loves, Matt.5: If, on the other hand, we only love those who first love us, we are no better than the heathen, Luke 6:32. The “Essence” of Christianity There are three essential keys to loving, and therefore becoming, like God in 1John 4:9-11:
Now, when we learn to love Sacrificially, Sufficiently, and Supremely, how will it affect our relationship with: God? “Not my will, but Yours” will become not only our prayer, but the basis of our life. Our love for God will create a value rather than requiring one! We will realize that the only ‘ need’ (in the sense of desire ) God has is for our salvation, 1Thess.4:3a; and we’ll live and love accordingly, 1Thess.4:3-8; 1John 5:3-5. He will truly become first in our lives, Matt.6:33; 22:37. The “Essence” of Christianity
Now, when we learn to love Sacrificially, Sufficiently, and Supremely, how will it affect our relationship with: Our Families ( spouses, children, parents, siblings )? Our love for them will create a value rather than requiring one! Selflessness and service will replace selfishness and the desire/demand to be served, Eph.5:25-29; 6:4; 1Tim.5:8; Eph.5:22-23; 6:1-3. They will become second only to God, Matt.10:37. The “Essence” of Christianity
Now, when we learn to love Sacrificially, Sufficiently, and Supremely, how will it affect our relationship with: Our Brethren? Our love for them will create a value rather than requiring one, 1John 4:11; Jas.2:1-13; 1Cor.12: Selflessness and service will replace selfishness and the desire/demand to be served, 1Thess.5:9-15. They will truly become brethren, Matt.12: The “Essence” of Christianity
Now, when we learn to love Sacrificially, Sufficiently, and Supremely, how will it affect our relationship with: People of the World? Our love for them will create a value rather than requiring one (we’ll see them as God does), Matt.23:37; Rom.5:8,10. Selflessness and service will replace selfishness and the desire/demand to be served (we’ll understand their greatest need and strive to supply it), Rom.1:16; 2Tim.2:2. Their souls will truly become important to us, John 4:35. The “Essence” of Christianity
Conclusion: When we learn to love like God- Sacrificially, Sufficiently, and Supremely, it changes everything about us as well as every relationship we sustain. That’s being converted! Are you ready to be changed in these ways? The “Essence” of Christianity