T2K Data Acquisition System Matt Thorpe STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory 17 th IEEE Real-Time Conference 2010, Lisbon, Portugal
The T2K Experiment T2K Collaboration: ~450 collaborators, 65 institutes, 12 countries
Super-Kamiokande far detector
T2K Near Detectors INGRID ND280
T2K Near Detectors INGRID ND280
T2K NM pit - 26/11/2009
Scintillator geometries INGRIDP0D FGD SMRD
Multi-Pixel Photon Detectors
Trip-T Front-end Board (TFB) Trip-T sample & hold ASIC (x4)Spartan 3 FPGA Data out Clock in 10-bit ADC (x8) 16x MPPC channels Slow control Trigger out
Trip-T Front-end Board (TFB) Trip-T sample & hold ASIC (x4)Spartan 3 FPGA Data out Clock in 10-bit ADC (x8) 16x MPPC channels Slow control Trigger out
ND280 electronics architecture
Back-end Board (BEB) 48x LVDS I/O Optical I/O PROM (x2), JTAG 512MB DDR2 Virtex II Pro FPGA
DAQ System Architecture
Front-end Processing Node (FPN)
MIDAS Back-end Processes
First INGRID cosmic event Single module cosmic event, 2009
Neutrino interaction in the P0D sub-detector
Conclusions DAQ successfully used to commission all current ND280 detectors with multiple sub-detectors commissioned and calibrated simultaneously Also deployed as QA DAQ systems for module production DAQ ready to accept INGRID diagonal modules and ECAL P0D & barrel modules summer-autumn 2010 Now in daily use for beam data taking Data rates to tape are within acceptable limits CPU load on FPNs low (~5% RXT, ~10% DPT)
Thank you!