1- 2 /2 1- 2 /2 u c dsb A 3 (1- -i ) - A 2 t d, s b b V td,V ts B Oscillations A 3 ( i ) A 2 1 V tb c,u B decays b V ub,V cb Wolfenstein parametrization 4 parameters :, A, The CKM matrix 2Theory
Experiments at the Z / ( 4S ) 3 p B ~ 1 GeV p B ~ 30 GeV Z bb (4S) BB CLEO ALEPH DELPHI OPALBABAR The DELPHI experiment p B ~ 0.3 GeV BELLE ~ 150 M ~ 3.4 M ~ 0.8 M
4 Event Selection Analysed data samples Lifetime probability
5 Event Reconstruction Analysed data samples D mass resolution Decay distances
6 Discriminant variables Analysed data samples ~80%~80% ~80% ~46% Q X < 0Q X =
q 2 measurement 7|V cb | from
q 2 measurement 8|V cb | from
Fit 9 Event by event likelihood: P(q 2 ) P( m) P(d + )P(d - ) + Constraints on N j (except for combinatorial and D** backgrounds) N signal dd dq 2 dq2dq2 dNdN |V cb | 2 F 2 (w) K(w) eff(q 2 ) res(q 2 ) F(w) as function of the f.f. 2, R 1 and R 2. Fit F(1)|V cb | and 2 meas.
Results on simulated events 10|V cb | from Generator level Reconstruction level
11|V cb | from Results on individual samples
12|V cb | from Fixing the BR = (0.67 ± 0.08 ± 0.11)%
DELPHI average 13|V cb | from DELPHI average: Results: Increased statistics ( 4) New channel (K - + ( 0 )) Improvements in the reconstruction (E b, m D* ) Control on background New observables New measurements
Results on Real Data 14|V cb | from
Systematic uncertainties 15|V cb | from External parameters K - + X rates: b fragmentation:
Systematic uncertainties 16|V cb | from Detector performance Resolution function: Syst. due to the parameterization : F(1)|Vcb| 2 2.0% 5% F(1)|Vcb| 2 1.0% 3.5% Including/excluding K - + ( 0 )
Systematic uncertainties 17|V cb | from Detector performance d ± distributions:
Systematic uncertainties 18|V cb | from Signal and background modelling Signal:
Systematic uncertainties 19|V cb | from Background modelling D* 2 D* 1 D1D1 Model 1Model 2 q 2 sim
Comparison with other measurements 20|V cb | from
21 Systematics |V cb | from
Probability distributions 22D** properties
Probability distributions 23D** properties
RD/MC 24D** properties
Discriminat variables 25D** properties
Discriminat variables 26D** properties
Discriminat variables 27D** properties
Cascade correction factors 28D** properties
Systematics 29D** properties R*
Backgr. mass distribution RD/MC 30D** properties = 0.5 0.2 i = 3, 5
Non-resonant contribution 31D** properties
32 Non-resonant contribution = 0.42% H.-Y. Cheng et al. PRD48 (‘93) 3204
D contribution 33D** properties
Efficiencies 34D** properties
Fit m wrong sign candidates 35D** properties
Fit m RS cand. for 0.25 < R < D** properties
D s spectroscopy 37D** properties
OPE formalisms 38 1, 2 1, 2 , G 1, 2, i (i=1,4) D, LS Energy of light quarks and gluons (related m b, m c with m b, m c ) 1 1 ( ) Kinetic energy of the b quark inside the meson 2 G 2 ( G ) = chromo-magnetic coupling (M B* -M B ) |V cb | from inclusive decays Pole mass expansion Kinetic mass ( =1GeV) Kinetic mass ( =1GeV) Can be measured
Spectral moments 39|V cb | from inclusive decays Inclusive observables O CLEO CONF PRL ’01 PRL ’01 PDG2002 |Vcb|=(40.8 0.5 2.5) |Vcb|=(40.4 0.5 0.5 0.8) CLEO PDG2000 = (0.35 ±0.07±0.10) GeV 1 =( ±0.071±0.078) GeV 2 Photon and lepton energy (E , E l ), Mass hadronic distribution (M x ),... sb q2q2 cb Expressed in terms of the same theoretical parameters
Moments of the D** distribution 40|V cb | from inclusive decays Inclusive b semileptonic LEP 78% B d, B - 22% B s, b 22% D 50% D* 28% D** Exclusive processes Moments of the total hadronic mass distribution in b c - Inclusive decay width determination Study of D** properties Known
Systematics on moments 41|V cb | from inclusive decays
Combining information on moments Moments Moments of the lepton energy spectrum by DELPHI (DELPHI CONF-604) Combined fit to the 3 first moments of hadronic and leptonic moments Two formalisms m q pole m q kin (q) Included s and (1/m b ) 3 corrections Constraints from external results 2 fit to 6 moments s = 0.22 ±
Pole mass formalism 43Moments Fixing Constraints from and = 0.35 ± 0.07 ± 0.10 GeV 1 = ± ± GeV 2 = 0.53 ± 0.09 GeV 1 = ± 0.09 GeV 2 BABAR CLEO
Comparison with other measurements 44Moments |V cb | (inclusive) Control on non-perturbative corrections up to O(1/m b ) 3 Well defined scheme Remaining perturbative corrections ~ 1 % Error of |V cb | ~ 2%
Updated results |V cb | from moments45 Using the numerical expression of the sl advised by N. Uraltsev : New moment expressions by P. Gambino :
|V cb | from moments46 BPS limit Allows an accurate extraction of N. Uraltsev (Bogolmo’nyi-Prasad-Sommerfeld)
47Moments The b quark mass Ph.D. M.J. Costa Ph.D. P. Tortosa This result
Summary and conclusions 48Summary and conclusions |V cb | from Competitive with LEP, CLEO and b-factories Errors of |V cb | dominated by the theory Improves the previous result from DELPHI Large dispersion between results from several experiments Need for more measurements Measurement of b s.l. decays to higher mass states Need measurements of form factors, production rates, BR’s…
Summary and conclusions 49Summary and conclusions D** properties Measurement of the production rates of D** Study of the D** mass distribution First determination of D 1 * properties in B s.l. decays Compatible results of D 0 * properties Measurement of the 3 first moments of the hadronic mass distribution First measurements at low p First measurements at low p Compatible result with CLEO and BABAR check OPE consistency Increased stat., improved syst. D** D production limits
|V cb | from the inclusive decay width Accurate determination of |V cb | Development of the kinetic mass scheme Combined fit to 6 DELPHI moments Quark masses determination Proximity to the BPS limit Control of non-perturbative parameters 50Summary and conclusions