13D Systems What, Why and How Oregon Fire Sprinkler Coalition
Promotes education about residential fire sprinklers Resource / Education for stakeholders Collaborates with key groups to help overcome barriers
Southern Oregon ICC ICC
The Fire Problem Statistics National Each day 7 people die home fires Each year on average over 2,500 people die and more than 13,000 people are injured in home fires Fires kill more people each year than all natural disasters combined Children and the elderly are most at risk Oregon From 2004 to 2013 there were: nearly 350 fire deaths more than 2,500 injuries Source: NFPA
Medford Residential Fire Deaths 20-Year Study 13 in single family homes 3 in duplexes 2 in multi-family homes 4 in structures associated with residences (2 in a garage and 2 in a shed) Conclusion: 17 of our citizen tragic fire deaths could have been avoided if the homes were protected with fire sprinkler systems 59.1% 31.8%
Medford Residential Fire Statistics (5-year average) Structure Fires Per Year –82 per year Homes vs. Multi-family –80% one and two family –20% multi-family Direct Property Losses Per Year: –$1.1 million per year
Vulnerable Populations Source: NFPA Children –Children under the age of 5 are 1 ½ times more likely to die in a home fire as the general public Babies cannot self-evacuate Young children often hide during fires or need assistance Children may sleep through a sounding smoke alarm Children have reduced reaction times
Vulnerable Populations Source: NFPA Older Adults –The elderly are nearly 3 times more likely to die in a home fire as the general public Older adults may suffer from reduced sensory abilities such as smell, touch, vision, and hearing –Inability to smell smoke –Inability to feel if something is hot –Inability to see fires or notice fire causes –Inability to hear smoke alarms or fire sounds Older adults may suffer from disabilities Older adults have reduced reaction times
Why Do We Still Lose People in Home Fires? Why Do We Still Lose People in Home Fires? Safe Window of Escape Time –Studies have shown that the average safe window of escape time has been reduced from 17 minutes in the 1970’s to as little as three minutes currently. –This change is attributed to the widespread use of hydrocarbons (petroleum products) in modern furniture, such as plastics and polyurethane foams. These newer fuels cause more rapid fire growth. Smoke and products of combustion from these fires become deadly in a matter of just a few minutes. –People are dying because they simply do not wake up or cannot get out in time. Source: NIST
Why Do We Still Lose People in Home Fires? Why Do We Still Lose People in Home Fires? Some Would Say Smoke Alarms are Enough… –They may not provide an early enough warning for everybody to escape todays fast moving home fires Smoke alarms were present and operated in 40% of home fire deaths –There are maintenance issues 37% of fire deaths were in homes with missing smoke alarms 23% of fire deaths were in homes where smoke alarms were inoperable Source: NFPA’s Smoke Alarms in U.S. Home Fires, March 2014
Smoke Alarm Trends in Fatal Fires Smoke Alarm Trends in Fatal Fires Sources: NFPA; UFSA; Public/Private Fire Safety Council
Furnishings & Fuel Loads Heat Release Rates (HRR) (Btu/sec) –Small wastebasket –TV set –Cotton mattress –Polyurethane mattress ( %) –Cotton easy chair –Polyurethane easy chair ( %) –Polyurethane sofa 2960 –Armchair (modern) –Recliner(synthetic padding/covering) –Christmas tree, dry –Pool of gasoline (2 quarts on concrete) 949 –Living room or bedroom fully involved Source: NFPA 921; Kirk’s Fire Investigation
1970s vs. Current Fuel Loads 1970s vs. Current Fuel Loads Source: UL
Total Time to Firefighting Intervention (Minutes) Fire Timeline –Ignition0 –Alarm-Discovery1 –Evacuation1 –911 call1 –Dispatch Time1 –Turnout Time1.5 –Drive Time5 –Setup Time1 –Fighting Fire 11.5
The Facts – Lightweight Construction The Facts – Lightweight Construction Firefighter Safety Hazards –Lightweight Construction Began to appear 25 years ago Vulnerable to fire conditions Times to reach structural failure percent shorter Sources: NIST Tests, Dutchess Community College Tests, NFPA Fire Sprinkler Initiative 5 minutes to failure 20 minutes to failure
The Facts – Lightweight Construction The Facts – Lightweight Construction Sources: UL Tests, NFPA Fire Sprinkler Initiative
USFA Study Study Source: USFA
13D…Born of Necessity 13D…Born of Necessity America Burning – 1973: Nation Commission on Fire Prevention and Control More fire deaths in homes than any other industrialized nation Identified a need to: Reduce fire deaths in America Make sprinklers more affordable Make residential sprinklers more aesthetically appealing Led to the development of…
1973 – NFPA Based on the commission’s report (America Burning) Created a committee to: Develop a standard that would produce a reliable but inexpensive sprinkler system for residential occupancies
1973 – NFPA Subcommittee developed five philosophies for the standard: 1.Cost is a major factor 2.Life safety is the primary goal 3.Design based on survivability 10 minute water supply Audible alarm 4.Material compatible with residential construction techniques 5.Protection areas based on historical data
The NAHB Contributes Heavily – 1975 ROP: NAHB proposes the use of plastic pipe Rejected by Committee (until 1980) NAHB proposes omitting heads from garages Rejected by Committee (until 1980) NAHB proposes a min. 250 gallons if using stored water Accepted by Committee
13D led to the development of: P2904 (IRC) Appendix T - ORSC P2904 provides a prescriptive sizing method Alternative to hydraulic calculations 13D has included a P2904 pipe sizing method since 2010
Let’s take a quick peek at the three NFPA Fire Sprinkler Standards…
NFPA 13 – Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems Applies to: Factories Business occupancies Mercantile Care facilities Residential (full protection) Simply, anywhere that 13D and 13R are not applicable
NFPA 13 – Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems Purpose - The purpose of this standard shall be to provide a reasonable degree of protection for life and property from fire through standardization of design, installation, and testing requirements for sprinkler systems, including private fire service mains, based on sound engineering principles, test data, and field experience. Multiple Sprinklers Activating – Full Protection
NFPA 13R – Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems in Low-Rise Residential Occupancies Applies to: Hotels / motels Dormitories Multi-family (apartments) Buildings to be 4 stories, or 60 ft. in height max.
NFPA 13R – Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems in Low-Rise Residential Occupancies Purpose - The purpose of this standard shall be to provide a sprinkler system that aids in the detection and control of residential fires and thus provides improved protection against injury, life loss, and property damage Four Sprinklers Activating – Life / Property Protection
NFPA 13D – Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems in One – and Two Family Dwellings and Manufactured Homes Applies to: One and Two Family Dwellings Manufactured Homes Townhouses built to IRC
NFPA 13D – Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems in One – and Two Family Dwellings and Manufactured Homes Purpose - The purpose of this standard shall be to provide a sprinkler system that aids in the detection and control of residential fires and thus provides improved protection against injury and life loss Two Sprinklers Activating – Survivability
Design Principles Sprinklers in an easier design scenario Sprinklers are located where loss of life historically occurs: Kitchens Bedrooms Living rooms / Corridors Source: NFPA
It just seems crazy to have a system this simple…or does it? Performance Objective of 13D: Protect the environment in the room of origin for 10 minutes Adding requirements, or ‘borrowing’ them from other sprinkler standards can undermine the simplicity of 13D 13D has a proven track record
Adding Requirements That Aren’t in the Standard Geographic, Topographic, or Climatic considerations are a good reason! Have a demonstrated need? Municipal code There is a difference between amending a standard based on a demonstrated need, and misapplying the standard based on even the best intentions
13D System Types Stand-Alone Type: A sprinkler system where the aboveground piping serves only fire sprinklers
13D System Types Multi-Purpose System: A piping system intended to serve both domestic needs in excess of a single fixture and fire protection needs from one common piping system throughout the dwelling unit(s).
13D System Types Passive Purge (Flow Through): A type of sprinkler system that serves a single toilet in addition to the fire sprinklers.
13D System Types Network System: A type of multipurpose system utilizing a common piping system supplying domes- tic fixtures and fire sprinklers where each sprinkler is supplied by a minimum of three separate paths
System Components and Features System Alarms Two Alarm scenarios: Notification provided by NFPA 72 compliant Smoke Alarms, or Waterflow device and local bell (optional) OR+
System Components and Features Residential Sprinkler Heads Performance – Higher wall wetting Fuel loads are near walls in residential occupancies Controls the environment Greater coverage areas Faster response Easily applicable design criteria Design criteria maximizes a smaller water supply : NFPA
System Components and Features Residential Sprinkler Heads: Aesthetically Appealing There are many cutting-edge, flush type heads that blend into the ceiling Some manufacturers offer as many as 300 custom paint colors. :
System Components and Features Piping and Materials A variety of common material types All listed for potable water supplies CPVC PEX / Other Copper
System Design Water Supply Automatic water supply required Stored water – 10 min 7 min if structure is one story and under 2000 sq ft. Residential heads are listed to control environment for 10 min :
System Design Performance – Higher wall wetting Fuel loads are near walls in residential occupancies Controls the environment Greater coverage areas Faster response Easily applicable design criteria Design criteria maximizes a smaller water supply
System Design Design discharge System needs to deliver.05 gpm over design area, or the listing of the head, whichever is greater Up to two sprinklers flowing: Sprinklers with greatest demand 24 ft ceiling maximum 8:12 pitch max, or use heads listed for pitched ceilings Decorative beams up to 14” deep (heads in beams, or in pockets) :
Protection Areas Bathrooms No sprinkler required if under 55 Sq ft Spaces having only a toilet or only a sink can each be considered a bathroom Wall finish not addressed (It is addressed in 13R and 13)
Protection Areas Bathrooms Adjoining bathrooms need adequate separation: 8” Minimum lintel Openings between compartments do not exceed 8 ft. in width A single opening, 36” in width, is permitted without 8” lintel
Protection Areas Closets Sprinklers not required in: Clothes closets Linen Closets Pantries These conditions must be met: 24 Sq ft. max Shortest dimension does not exceed 3 ft. Walls and ceilings protected
Protection Areas Closets Not Accesible from the Dwelling Sprinklers not required in: Closets in garages Exterior closets Breezeway closets These conditions must be met: No fuel-fired equipment (Electric-powered equipment is permissible)
Protection Areas Garages Sprinklers not required in: Attached Garages Even if living above it Open, attached porches Carports Similar structures
Protection Areas Attics and Other Spaces Sprinklers not required in: Attics (with or without storage) Penthouse equipment rooms Elevator machine rooms Concealed spaces not intended for living
Protection Areas Attics and Other Spaces If such spaces contain fuel-fired equipment: When equipment is above all occupied spaces, no sprinkler required If equipment is at or below occupied space, provide at least one sprinkler above equipment, or: At the wall separating the space with the fuel-fired equipment from the occupied space
Sprinkler Position and Placement Obstructions to discharge Light Fixtures / non-continuous obstructions – 36” from center of fixture. Examples include: Light fixtures Ceiling fans Area of fan blades less than 50%
Sprinkler Position and Placement Obstructions to discharge Closets / Compartments under 400 cubic feet: Single sprinkler at highest point without regard to obstructions Includes rooms with mechanical equipment Examples: Spaces under stairs Closets large enough to require a sprinkler Laundry / HVAC closets
Sprinkler Position and Placement Shadow Areas Shadow areas permitted in the protection area of a sprinkler as long as the cumulative dry areas do not exceed 15 sq. ft. Pendant Head – Plan View
Sprinkler Position and Placement Shadow Areas Shadow areas permitted in the protection area of a sprinkler as long as the cumulative dry areas do not exceed 15 sq. ft. Sidewall Head – Plan View
Testing and Acceptance Hydrostatic Tests Two-hour test at normal system operating pressure: Leakage detected by: Drop in pressure gauge, or Visual inspection of piping System permitted to be tested with plugs or caps installed instead of sprinkler heads No additional test required after heads installed
Testing and Acceptance Operational Tests For typical, wet systems, no operational test is addressed if there is no waterflow switch installed If a pump is installed, an operational flow test is required Concerned about the water supply? Carry a gauge and valve assembly that can provide a pressure reading
Testing and Acceptance Pressure Gauges Only Required when: A pressure tank is installed Dry system installed Any pressure reducing device is installed
Testing and Acceptance Bucket Tests What is it? Water is flowed into a bucket to verify adequacy of system (measure volume per minute) Not addressed in the standard Viable option if water supply cannot be verified Manufacturer requirement for Pex
System Documentation Design Documentation Documentation shall be available upon request to ensure adequate water supply, listed devices, and adequate sprinkler coverage have been addressed
System Documentation Design Documentation 13D has never required working plans To address AHJ concerns over the lack of a plan review, the Annex provides a list:
System Documentation Design Documentation A.4.5 A scaled drawing where required should show the following: ( 1) Address (if known) (2) Size and type of domestic line, including length to city connection (3) Water meter size (4) Current static water pressure (5) Interior walls (6) Model, manufacturer, temperature, orifice size, and spacing requirements of sprinklers (7) Type of pipe (8) Hanger spacing requirement per the pipe manufacturer (9) Riser detail (10) Installing contractor information (11) Preliminary hydraulic calculations
System Documentation “This information listed in the annex is intended to suggest sufficient flexibility in the approval process so that changes on the job site (consistent with the rules of NFPA 13D) can be incorporated into the system without needing to resubmit the plans for additional approvals” Guidance From the 13D Handbook:
Municipal Water Supplies Works with the plumbing supply, not in addition to it: Only 7 PSI required for fire sprinklers Most domestic systems require 8 PSI (UPC, IPC) 16 GPM could supply a one head sprinkler design. Most average homes require a minimum of 18 GPM for domestic use (IRC) Most residential sprinkler systems will flow more, but a ¾” meter (35 GPM) will usually be plenty of water (2 sprinklers x 16 GPM = 32 GPM) Source: OPSC
Municipal Water Supplies Upgrading to a 1” meter isn’t the only option! 3/4” meters are a popular option for many Water Purveyors (35 GPM) A system can sometimes be designed using an existing 5/8” meter (20 GPM) Most average homes require a minimum of 18 GPM for domestic use Source: OPSC / IRC
Municipal Water Supplies An increasing number of Water Purveyors are starting to recognize that sprinklers use less water than the water used from unmetered fire hydrants that would otherwise be needed to suppress a fire in a home Sprinklers use 90% less water than the fire service would use if sprinklers weren’t installed. They reduce fire damage by 97% They reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 98%. Sprinklers also reduce wastewater pollution. Source: FM Global
Private / Stored Water Supplies An easy solution for private water supplies (tanks and wells) 10 minute Duration: A typical scenario: 280 Gallon Tank (28 GPM x 10 Min) 7 minute Duration (Single story under 2000 Sq Ft): This can be as low as 196 Gallon Tank (28 GPM x 7 Min) Source: NFPA 13D
Private / Stored Water Supplies Tanks and pumps not required to be listed In some scenarios, a tank and pump supply might be more cost effective than a meter upsizing fee and SDC charge Source: NFPA 13D
Costs of Home Sprinkler Systems Costs of Home Sprinkler Systems Nationally - $1.35 per sq. ft. of living area –Lowest $0.74 in San Clemente CA Locally (Medford) - $1.70 per sq. ft. of living area Source: Fire Protection Research Foundations, NFPA
Becoming Our Own Barrier A reminder that we all have a common goal: More compliant systems installed in more homes! We can become our own barrier as code officials: Confusion caused by misapplication of the standard Even with the best intentions! Let’s not forget we are part of a large team…
Conclusion 13D is designed to be an achievable balance between protection and cost