$100 $400 $300 $200 $400 $200 $100$100 $400 $200$200 $500$500 $300 $200 $500 $100 $300 $100 $300 $500 $300 $400$400 $500
Number Sense Data & Probability Measure- ment Geometry (Goal 3) Algebra (Goal 5) $100 $300 $200 $400 $500 $
Number Sense - $100 Numbers are made of these.
Number Sense - $200 To decide which of two numbers are equal to, less than, or greater than.
Number Sense - $300 Numbers multiplied to find a product.
Number Sense - $400 Sets of money with the same value.
Number Sense - $500 Models to explore part / whole relationships.
Data & Probability - $100 The information collected about people or things.
Data & Probability - $200 Method of gathering information or data.
Data & Probability - $300 Diagram that shows the frequency of data.
Data & Probability - $400 The number or item found most often in a set of data.
Data & Probability - $500 The numbers on a bar graph that help you read the number each bar shows.
Measure-ment - $100 Time that has passed since the start of something.
Measure-ment - $200 A table that lists activities or events and times they happen.
Measure-ment - $300 The amount that a container holds.
Measure-ment - $400 Customary units to measure length and distance.
Measure-ment - $500 A drawing that shows when and in what order events took place.
Geometry (Goal 3) - $100 An angle that forms a square corner.
Geometry (Goal 3) - $200 Lines that cross at exactly one point.
Geometry (Goal 3) - $300 A closed plane figure with straight sides.
Geometry (Goal 3) - $400 Diagram that shows relationships among sets of figures or objects.
Geometry (Goal 3) - $500 Having the same size and shape.
Algebra (Goal 5) - $100 An ordered set of numbers or objects whose elements can be predicted.
Algebra (Goal 5) - $200 Areas on a graph where the data increases, decreases, or stays the same over time.
Algebra (Goal 5) - $300 The answer in a division problem.
Algebra (Goal 5) - $400 Operations that are the opposite.
Algebra (Goal 5) - $500 A set of related multiplication and division number sentences.
Number Sense - $100 What are digits? $
Number Sense - $200 What is compare? $
Number Sense - $300 What are factors? $
Number Sense - $400 What is equivalent? $
Number Sense - $500 What are fractions? $
Data & Probability - $100 What is data? $
Data & Probability - $200 What is a survey? $
Data & Probability - $300 What is a line plot? $
Data & Probability - $400 What is the mode? $
Data & Probability - $500 What is the scale? $
Measure-ment - $100 What is elapsed time? $
Measure-ment - $200 What is a schedule? $
Measure-ment - $300 What is capacity? $
Measure-ment - $400 What is foot, yard, or mile? $
Measure-ment - $500 What is a time line? $
Geometry (Goal 3) - $100 What is a right angle? $
Geometry (Goal 3) - $200 What are intersecting lines? $
Geometry (Goal 3) - $300 What is a polygon? $
Geometry (Goal 3) - $400 What is a Venn Diagram? $
Geometry (Goal 3) - $500 What is congruent? $
Algebra (Goal 5) - $100 What is a pattern? $
Algebra (Goal 5) - $200 What are trends? $
Algebra (Goal 5) - $300 What is the quotient? $
Algebra (Goal 5) - $400 What are inverse operations? $
Algebra (Goal 5) - $500 What is a fact family? $
Water boils at this temperature. $
What happens at 212 degrees Fahrenheit? FINAL CATEGORY $
Contestant 1 Contestant 2 Contestant 3 $ $ $
“Jeopardy!” Powerpoint Template Designed and Created by Jeffrey White Copyright © 2000 Version Last updated 9 June, 2000 The graphics and sounds used in this template are recorded from the “Jeopardy!” television show, were obtained from the “Jeopardy!” website, and are the property of Sony Pictures Entertainment.“Jeopardy!” website Visit for updated versions!