Warm-Up Explain what variable your group decided to manipulate for the experiment today. Write down a quick prediction about what you think will happen.
Learning Targets Learning Target: Students will understand the individual parts and overall format of the “Official” Investigational Design. Learning Target: Students will have a basic understanding of surface tension. Today we will continue working on “Official Drops on a Penny.”
Scientific Note: Surface Tension The surface tension of water is caused by the attraction of water molecules to each other. Just as a magnet is attracted to things of metal. Water molecules are attracted to each other because of hydrogen bonding. Surface tension allows some things to float.
Water Molecule
Surface Tension
Before you start the lab… You must have all of the Pre-Lab completed including an organized data Table. Make sure you also have a Procedure (with a diagram) completed.
During the lab… Gather your data and complete “Official Drops on a Penny” This includes: A graph of your trials and averages (bar graph). Conclusion (look at your 4 bullet points). Discussion of results. We will be grading this tomorrow! Make sure it is your best work!
Homework Finish Official Drops on a Penny Investigation, due tomorrow! Use the yellow sheet as your guide. All parts need to be included! Remember not to rush and do your best!
Warm-Up Explain what went well during your lab yesterday. Explain what you would do differently next time.
Learning Target Learning Target: Students will set goals for the year and receive feedback on their lab write-up.
Goal Setting Setting Goals: Thoughtfully fill out the blue goal sheet. I expect a few sentences in each box regarding Science. These will be kept all year and re-visited at progress report time.
Official Drops on a Penny Review and finish any parts to your Official Drops on a Penny Lab. Look carefully at the Yellow Sheet to make sure you have answered all parts! Be ready to grade another student’s lab report.
Grading the Lab 1. Give honest, constructive feedback to the individual. 2. Do your best and read all handwriting. 3. Use the Lab Handout to guide your grading. 4. Use the rubric to assign specific points.
Homework Have a great weekend! GO BEAVS!