ENHANCING FEEDBACK TO STUDENTS IN TIMES OF CONSTRAINED RESOURCES Dai Hounsell, University of Edinburgh, May 2011 How can we enhance feedback to students in times of constrained resources? DAI HOUNSELL UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH University of Stirling, 17 May
ENHANCING FEEDBACK TO STUDENTS IN TIMES OF CONSTRAINED RESOURCES Dai Hounsell, University of Edinburgh, May 2011 FUNDAMENTALS OF FEEDBACK What is 'feedback' and why does it matter? Feedback comprises information, processes, activities or experiences which aim to encapsulate, enable or boost students' learning Feedback can focus on: attainmentwhat a student knows, understands or can do at a given point in time progresswhere a student currently stands in relation to a specified goal, target or level achievementwhat a student has achieved as demonstrated in a completed assignment or task
ENHANCING FEEDBACK TO STUDENTS IN TIMES OF CONSTRAINED RESOURCES Dai Hounsell, University of Edinburgh, May 2011 FUNDAMENTALS OF FEEDBACK What forms does feedback take? pro forma written comments exemplars exams guidance feedforward traditional collaboration on-display learning peer audio past questions screencast whole-class clickers in-class assignments cumulative editing anticipatory feedback elective self co- revision e-feedback redrafting reviewing progress criteria dialogue supervision interaction briefing student involvement faster feedback model answers training video online
ENHANCING FEEDBACK TO STUDENTS IN TIMES OF CONSTRAINED RESOURCES Dai Hounsell, University of Edinburgh, May 2011 FUNDAMENTALS OF FEEDBACK Who gives feedback, where and when ? Sources of feedback –Lecturers, tutors, demonstrators, supervisors, mentors –Fellow-students / peers, a student’s own reflections –The audience for a seminar or poster presentation, professional practitioners Feedback where and when? formallyinformally in timetabled classes / onlineoutwith timetabled classes / offline intrinsicextrinsic prior to a task or activity during a task or activityafter a task or activity
ENHANCING FEEDBACK TO STUDENTS IN TIMES OF CONSTRAINED RESOURCES Dai Hounsell, University of Edinburgh, May 2011 FEEDBACK THAT MAKES MORE OF A DIFFERENCE Enhancing students' grasp of feedback & standards Elective feedback Exemplars Peer and self-generated feedback
ENHANCING FEEDBACK TO STUDENTS IN TIMES OF CONSTRAINED RESOURCES Dai Hounsell, University of Edinburgh, May 2011 FEEDBACK THAT MAKES MORE OF A DIFFERENCE Greater opportunities to put feedback to good use From feedback to feedforward –'feedback-first' and draft/revise/resubmit assignments –cumulative assignments (Beaumont et al 2008)
ENHANCING FEEDBACK TO STUDENTS IN TIMES OF CONSTRAINED RESOURCES Dai Hounsell, University of Edinburgh, May 2011 FEEDBACK THAT MAKES MORE OF A DIFFERENCE Boosting the availability & richness of feedback Generic and whole-class feedback On-display learning Collaborative tasks & activities
ENHANCING FEEDBACK TO STUDENTS IN TIMES OF CONSTRAINED RESOURCES Dai Hounsell, University of Edinburgh, May 2011 FEEDBACK THAT MAKES MORE OF A DIFFERENCE Recycling and refocusing guidance & feedback Screencasts and off-the-shelf guidance Recycled online feedback comments