Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso (LNGS) and ILIAS Nicola Ferrari Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso IDM2004 Edinburgh, 10 September 2004 IDM2004 –


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Presentation transcript:

Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso (LNGS) and ILIAS Nicola Ferrari Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso IDM2004 Edinburgh, 10 September 2004 IDM2004 – Edinburgh, 10-sep-04

Summary  The Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso (LNGS) The infrastructure The scientific program  ILIAS (Integrated Large Infrastructures for Astroparticle Physics) The ILIAS initiative ILIAS and the EU Deep Underground labs N. Ferrari IDM2004 – Edinburgh, 10-sep-04

Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso Depth: 1400 m (3800 mwe) Location: Gran Sasso Tunnel (Abruzzi, Italy) Operating Institution: Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) N. Ferrari LNGS IDM2004 – Edinburgh, 10-sep-04 Scientists involved in LNGS experiments: 700 from 24 countries LNGS permanent staff: 60 (physicists, technicians, administration) Corno Grande (m. 2910) Campo Imperatore (m. 2000) Monte Aquila (m. 2600) Underground lab The area of Campo Imperatore above LNGS

Hall C Hall B Hall A The LNGS Underground area Underground area : 3 halls (100m x 20m x 15m) + service tunnels Total volume : m 3 Teramo Surface: > 6000 m 2 Highway tunnel L’Aquila CERN beam

Outside facilities: - offices - mechanical workshop - chemical lab - electronic workshop - computing center - library - canteen - conference rooms - assembly halls - administration department

N. Ferrari ResearchCompletedRunningUnder R&D topicconstructionNeutrinos solarGno/GallexBorexino atmosphericMACRO supernovaLVD long baselineOpera, Icarus  decay  decayHD-MoscowGe MibetaCuoricinoCUORE DBGS Dark Matter Dark MatterDAMA/NaIDAMA/LibraCUORE HDMSWarp CRESSTGenius Nuclear astroph. Nuclear astroph.LUNA Geophysics GeophysicsGIGSTellus Underseis Ermes IDM2004 – Edinburgh, 10-sep-04 LNGS: the scientific program

GALLEX/GNO detector: 30 t Gallium chloride solution main goal: detection of solar n with E>230 keV ( 71 Ge( e,e) 71 Ge) technique: extraction of 71Ge atoms status: data taking results: detection of pp evidence for oscillations monitoring of flux over one solar cycle Solar neutrinos BOREXINO detector: 300 t ultrapure liquid scintillator t buffer surrounded by 2200 pmts main goal: study of the 7 Be solar other goals: detection of supernova, terrestrial, magnetic moment technique: detection of light produced by electrons scattered by solar status: after a partial stop of the activities due to an accident in August 2002 the detector is now ready for filling IDM2004 – Edinburgh, 10-sep-04 the results from 11 years of data taking by Gallex/Gno N. Ferrari

Atmospheric and supernova neutrinos LVD detector: 1000 t of liquid scintillator in 840 counters main goal: detection of supernova  and  technique: detection of light from: e (p,e + ) n (E>1.8 MeV)  e ( 12 C, 12 N) e - (E>17.3 MeV)  e ( 12 C, 12 B) e + (E>14.4 MeV)  x ( 12 C, 12 C*) x (E>15.1 MeV) status: data taking since Final upgrade in 2001 monitoring SN. Part of the SNEWS network with SNO and SuperkamiokandeMACRO detector: streamer tubes and liquid scintillator main goal: detection of magnetic monopoles detection of atmospheric technique: reconstruction of the tracks of charged particles status: Data taking Dismanteled 2002 results: Evidence for atmospheric oscillations Limits on magnetic monopole parameters Measurement of  energy spectrum and angular distribution IDM2004 – Edinburgh, 10-sep-04

 decay The Cuoricino TeO 2 array 41 kg TeO 2 crystals IDM2004 – Edinburgh, 10-sep-04  Heidelberg-Moscow detector: 11 Kg of enriched 76 Ge crystals in the form of HP Ge detectors goal: detection of 0  decay of 76 Ge technique: detection of electrons emitted in the  decay of inside the HP-Ge crystals status: Data taking results: Evidence for  decay of 76 Ge T 1/2 = ( ) y = (0.1 – 0.9) eV Cuoricino detector: 40.7 kg of TeO 2 crystals in the form of 62 crystals main goal: detection of 0  decay of 130 Te technique: detection of electrons emitted in the  decay of 130 Te inside TeO 2 crystals operated as thermal detectors status: Data taking since Expected sensitivity: y in 3 years data taking (0.3 eV) Cuore detector: 40.7 kg of TeO 2 crystals in the form of 62 crystals status: R&D. Expected sensitivity: y in 5 years data taking (30 meV)

N. Ferrari IDM2004 – Edinburgh, 10-sep-04 Dark matter search DAMA/NaI detector: 100 kg of NaI crystals technique: detection of light produced by WIMPs elastic scattering on NaI nuclei status: Results: Data from 7 annual cycles show a modulation compatible with WIMPs interactions LIBRA detector: 250 kg of NaI crystals goal: confirm DAMA/NaI evidence with improved statistics technique: detection of light produced by WIMPs elastic scattering on NaI nuclei status: Data taking since 2003

HDMS detector: 2 HP-Ge detectors technique: detection WIMPs in the inner detector in anticoincidence status: Data taking since 2001 Results: limits on SD and SI interactions of WIMPs inner detector (200 g 73 Ge enriched ) outer detector (2100 g) N. Ferrari IDM2004 – Edinburgh, 10-sep-04 CRESST detector: Sapphire thermal detectors CaWO4 crystals (phonons+scintillation) technique: detection WIMPs in the detector crystals status: Data taking with CaWO4 crystals

Nuclear astrophysics LUNA detector: two electrostatic accelerators (50 kV and 400 kV) installed underground goal: measurement of nuclear cross sections at very low energies for reactions relevant for astrophysics and nucleosynthesis status: Data taking since Presently measuring the 14 N(p,  ) 15 O reaction results: Measurement of nuclear cross sections at solar energies for the reactions: 3 He( 3 He,2p) 4 He (pp chain inside stars) d(p,  ) 3 He (pp chain inside stars, reactions in proto-stars) 14 N(p,  ) 15 O (slowest reaction of CNO cycle inside stars) study of electron screening plans: 3 He( ,n) 7 Be (production of 7 Be inside the Sun) IDM2004 – Edinburgh, 10-sep-04

The ICARUS T600 detector 600 t liquid Ar TPC N. Ferrari IDM2004 – Edinburgh, 10-sep-04 OPERA detector: 1.8 kton of Pb sheets and nuclear emulsions in the form of emulsion cloud chambers + 2 spectrometers (RPC and scintillating fibers) goal: detection of  appearence from the  beam from CERN technique: identification of the tracks from decay of the  emitted by the  interaction status: under construction; spectrometers completed detector should be completed in 2006, ready for the beam from CERN ICARUS detector: 600 t and later 3000 tons of liquid Ar operated as a large time projection chamber goal: detection of  appearence from the  beam from CERN detection of solar neutrinos technique: kinematic identification of the decay of the  emitted by the  interaction status: 600 t detector tested and ready to be installed at LNGS Installation of 3000 t requires major works at the underground infrastructure The CNGS project

ILIAS ILIAS : Integrated Large Infrastructures for Astroparticle Science ILIAS is an Integrated Infrastructure Initiative (IA) proposed for funding by European Union within the 6th Framework Programme. It is based on the cooperation of many EU institutions operating in the sector of Astroparticle physics France : Commissariat a l’Energie Atomique, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique Italy: Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Istituto di Fotonica e Nanotecnologie Trento, European Gravitational Observatory Germany: Max Planck Institut für Kernphysik, Technische Universität München, Max Planck Institut für Physik Muenchen, Eberhardt Karls Universität Tubingen Spain: Zaragoza University UK: Universities of Sheffield, Glasgow, and London Czech Rep.: Czech Technical Univ. in Prague Denmark: University of Southern Denmark Netherland: Leiden University Finland: University of Jyväskylä Slovakia: Comenius University Bratislavia Greece: Aristot University of Thessaloniki ILIAS is born with the coordination of APPEC (AstroParticle Physics European Coordination) IDM2004 – Edinburgh, 10-sep-04

R&D projects 1.Low background techniques for Deep Underground Science 2.Double beta decay european observatory 3.Study of thermal noise reduction in gravitational wave detectors Networking activities 1.Deep Underground science laboratories 2.Direct dark matter detection 3.Search on double beta decay 4.Gravitational wave research 5.Theoretical astroparticle physics 1.Transnational access to the EU Deep Underground Laboratories The ILIAS project is based on three groups of activities: Networking, Transnational Access, and R&D IDM2004 – Edinburgh, 10-sep-04

The EU Deep Underground Labs Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso, Italy LNGS Laboratoire Souterrain de Modane, France LSM Laboratorio Subterraneo de Canfranc, Spain LSC Institute of Underground Science, Boulby Mine, UK IUS IDM2004 – Edinburgh, 10-sep-04

The Deep Underground Lab activities within ILIAS R&D on Low background techniques for Deep Underground Science Network of the EU Deep Underground Laboratories Transnational Access to the Deep Underground Laboratories Support for the access of research teams to the underground labs (travels, subsistence, technical support), specially in support of less favoured countries Networking of the Underground Labs for: - service and facilities improvement, and extention of the underground sites - Safety problems and accident prevention - Communication, outreach, and scientific coordination R&D to strengthen and enlarge the low background facilities in the underground labs IDM2004 – Edinburgh, 10-sep-04

Deep Underground labs in Europe are major infrastructures where important experiments on fundamental rare-event and astroparticle physics are underway : - dark matter searches - double beta decay - neutrino physics and astrophysics - nuclear astrophysics ILIAS gives the opportunity to start an effective collaboration among the labs and with the astroparticle physics community based on  networking  coordinated transnational access to the 4 infrastructures  joint R&D on low background techniques IDM2004 – Edinburgh, 10-sep-04