Welcome to Master Program Computing Science Study advisors: Ad Feelders and Wishnu Prasetya Room {BBL-563,BBL-566} September 5, 2011
Computing Science Staff Hans Bodlaender Program Leader Wishnu Prasetya Study Advisor Ad Feelders Study Advisor
Research Groups Involved in Computing Science Prof J. van Leeuwen: Algorithmic Systems Prof J. van Leeuwen: Algorithmic Systems Prof D. Swierstra: Software Technology Prof D. Swierstra: Software Technology Prof L. van der Gaag: Decision Support Systems Prof L. van der Gaag: Decision Support Systems Prof A. Siebes: Algorithmic Data Analysis Prof A. Siebes: Algorithmic Data Analysis Jan van LeeuwenLinda van der GaagArno SiebesDoaitse Swierstra
Overview 2 Courses Master Thesis First YearSecond Year Courses: courses/projects/seminars
Study Lines Programming Technology Programming Technology Algorithm Design and Complexity Algorithm Design and Complexity Algorithmic Data Analysis Algorithmic Data Analysis Advanced Planning and Decision Making Advanced Planning and Decision Making A Study Line is a coherent set of courses providing knowledge and skills for specific areas of Computing Science.
Study Line: Programming Technology Generic Programming (1) Generic Programming (1) Advanced Functional Programming (2) Advanced Functional Programming (2) Program Verification (3) Program Verification (3) Compiler Construction (3) Compiler Construction (3) Automatic Program Analysis (4) Automatic Program Analysis (4) Between brackets: time period.
Study Line: Algorithm Design and Complexity Intelligent Agents (1) Intelligent Agents (1) Simulation (3) Simulation (3) Algorithms and Networks (3) Algorithms and Networks (3) Scheduling and Timetabling (4) Scheduling and Timetabling (4) Algorithmic Computational Biology (4) Algorithmic Computational Biology (4)
Study Line: Algorithmic Data Analysis Multimedia Retrieval (1) Multimedia Retrieval (1) Advanced Data Mining (1) Advanced Data Mining (1) Queries and Retrieval (2) Queries and Retrieval (2) Pattern Recognition (2) Pattern Recognition (2) Geographic Data Processing (4) Geographic Data Processing (4)
Study Line: Advanced Planning and Decision Making Probabilistic Reasoning (1) Probabilistic Reasoning (1) Evolutionary Computing (2) Evolutionary Computing (2) Simulation (3) Simulation (3) Algorithms and Networks (3) Algorithms and Networks (3) Scheduling and Timetabling (4) Scheduling and Timetabling (4)
Colloquium Computing Science Mandatory. Mandatory. Research talks by staff members, guests, and students. Research talks by staff members, guests, and students. Attend at least 30 colloquia, give a talk and write a (small) paper. Attend at least 30 colloquia, give a talk and write a (small) paper. Counts for 5 ECTS. Counts for 5 ECTS.
Electives Experimentation Project (max. 15 ECTS) Experimentation Project (max. 15 ECTS) Courses and seminars from the Computing Science master program. Courses and seminars from the Computing Science master program. Courses from other Computer Science master programs (TAI, GMT). Courses from other Computer Science master programs (TAI, GMT). Maximum of two courses (15 ECTS) from other (non-CS) master programs. Maximum of two courses (15 ECTS) from other (non-CS) master programs. Independent study under supervision of a staff member (Capita Selecta). Independent study under supervision of a staff member (Capita Selecta).
Example Non-CS Course Parallel Algorithms, see for more information. Parallel Algorithms, see for more information.
Experimentation Project Application of theory studied in one or more of the Computing Science courses. Application of theory studied in one or more of the Computing Science courses. Typically involves the implementation of algorithms and the analysis of their performance through experiments. Typically involves the implementation of algorithms and the analysis of their performance through experiments. Performed under supervision of a CS staff member. Performed under supervision of a CS staff member.
Examples: Exact algorithms for the maximum independent set problem. Exact algorithms for the maximum independent set problem. Learning distance functions for k nearest neighbour classifiers. Learning distance functions for k nearest neighbour classifiers. Implementing a PHP parser in Haskell. Implementing a PHP parser in Haskell. Implementing a Java Bytecode utility. Implementing a Java Bytecode utility.
Seminar We offer one or more research oriented seminar courses for Computing Science students. We offer one or more research oriented seminar courses for Computing Science students. This year: This year: –Dependently Typed Programming (3) –Type Checking (4)
Deficiency Courses Two courses maximum. Two courses maximum. Depend on selection of study line. Depend on selection of study line. Examples: Examples: -Functional Programming is required for Advanced Functional Programming, Generic Programming, Compiler Construction, Program Verification. -Languages and Compilers is needed for Compiler Construction and Automatic Program Analysis. -Algorithmics is required for Algorithms and Networks. Since these are Bachelor courses, they are taught in Dutch, but study material is in English.
Overview of Requirements Select one (or more) study lines. Select one (or more) study lines. You can also propose your own study line. You can also propose your own study line. Electives. Electives. Deficiency Courses (Max 2). Deficiency Courses (Max 2). Colloquium (Mandatory, 5 ECTS). Colloquium (Mandatory, 5 ECTS). 40 ECTS Master Thesis Project. 40 ECTS Master Thesis Project.
Adv. Functional Programming (S) Languages and Compilers (D) Example Program Functional Programming (D) Intelligent Agents (E) Program Verification (S) Compiler Construction (S) Automatic Program Analysis (S) Seminar Type Checking (E) Experimentation Project (E) Generic Programming (S) Master Thesis First YearSecond Year Study Line: Programming Technology D = Deficiency E = Elective S = Study Line
Example Intelligent Agents (S) Probabilistic Reasoning (S) Evolutionary Computing (S) Queries and Retrieval (E) Algorithms and Networks (S) Simulation (S) Scheduling and Timetabling (S) Alg. Computational Biology (S) Experimentation Project (E) Capita Selecta (E) Master Thesis First YearSecond Year Study Lines: Algorithm Design and Complexity and Advanced Planning and Decision Making
Study plan Your study plan must be approved by Wishnu Prasetya for the study line PT or Ad Feelders for the other study lines. Your study plan must be approved by Wishnu Prasetya for the study line PT or Ad Feelders for the other study lines. Template for study plan can be found at: Template for study plan can be found at: Practical Information on Master CS: Practical Information on Master CS: General Information on Master CS (study lines, etc.): go to the education page and click on COSC in the “blue bar”. General Information on Master CS (study lines, etc.): go to the education page and click on COSC in the “blue bar”.
Other Practical Stuff On you can find information about courses, times, rooms, etc. On you can find information about courses, times, rooms, etc. To register for courses, go to To register for courses, go to
Afternoon Program Get your picture taken! Get your picture taken! Lunch (Restaurant Minnaert, upstairs) Lunch (Restaurant Minnaert, upstairs) Presentation Ernst & Young Presentation Ernst & Young Tour and team bonding activity Tour and team bonding activity Drinks (Minnaert, upstairs) Drinks (Minnaert, upstairs) Warm Buffet (Minnaert, upstairs) Warm Buffet (Minnaert, upstairs)