Consolidating Students’ Learning Experiences Consolidating Students’ Learning Experiences 鞏固學生的學習經歷 Values Education in TE 價值觀教育
Consolidating Students’ Learning Experiences Get the Checklist Out! Curriculum 課程 Focus 焦點 Knowledge 知識 Skills 技能 Attitude 態度 Learning Outcomes 學習成果 Learning Approach 學習方法
Consolidating Students’ Learning Experiences Get the Checklist Out! CurriculumX-KLA, X-Subject FocusLearning, Teaching KnowledgeSubject Specific, Generic SkillsSubject Specific, Generic (9) AttitudeTypes Learning OutcomesTypes, Achieved? Learning ApproachProject-based, Problem-based, Thematic
Consolidating Students’ Learning Experiences About the Control Project… CurriculumScience-Ed KLA, Tech-Ed KLA D&T, IS, CL FocusLearner KnowledgeElectronics, System, Control Tech, Materials, Tools … SkillsMaterial Processing, E&E, IT, Presentation, Generic … AttitudeEffects, Implications, Influences... Learning OutcomesIn terms of Knowledge, Skills & Attitudes Learning ApproachProject-based
Consolidating Students’ Learning Experiences About the Control Project CurriculumScience-Ed KLA, Tech-Ed KLA D&T, IS, CL FocusLearner KnowledgeElectronics, System, Control Tech, Materials, Tools … SkillsMaterial Processing, E&E, IT, Presentation, Generic … AttitudeEffects, Implications, Influences... Learning OutcomesIn terms of Knowledge, Skills & Attitudes Learning ApproachProject-based
Consolidating Students’ Learning Experiences
Questions to Think About… What’s worth learning?What’s worth learning? And why?And why? How do I (or students) know they have learned something or nothing?How do I (or students) know they have learned something or nothing? Remember what have been is not enough!Remember what have been is not enough! Doing – Remembering – LearningDoing – Remembering – Learning
Consolidating Students’ Learning Experiences
Questions to Think About… What skills are worth practising?What skills are worth practising? And why?And why? Any alternative ways to work things out?Any alternative ways to work things out? Learning by doing - authentic learning experiences are encouragedLearning by doing - authentic learning experiences are encouraged
Consolidating Students’ Learning Experiences
Students are encouraged to discuss the range of possible effects and implications of certain designs and technology and in turn, pertinent value-related issues.
Consolidating Students’ Learning Experiences
Students are prompted to what values are implicit in the design and construction tasks which they undertake. The template is essentially a box of values (technological, environmental, economic, aesthetic, social and moral), which pupils are encouraged to consider when preparing their designs and constructions. Students are prompted to analyse what values are implicit in the design and construction tasks which they undertake. The template is essentially a box of values (technological, environmental, economic, aesthetic, social and moral), which pupils are encouraged to consider when preparing their designs and constructions.
Consolidating Students’ Learning Experiences
'Winners and Losers' examines the positive and negative impact of designs and technology, identifying who will be directly or indirectly affected by specific technology, how they will be affected, and the appropriacy of the technology.
Consolidating Students’ Learning Experiences
Some Tools to Consider PresentationPresentation Peer AssessmentPeer Assessment Mind MapsMind Maps Reflective QuestionsReflective Questions Reports & PortfoliosReports & Portfolios Knowledge & Skill TestsKnowledge & Skill Tests