Shridhar Bhalerao CMSC 601 Finding Implicit Relations in the Semantic Web
Semantic Web Is Web of Data. Each Data Resource is represented by a URI Data resources are linked to each other.The link also has a URI identifying it. Ontologies are used for conceptualizing, data is mapped to the concept. Described Using RDF.
Ontologies, RDF Triple, isparql Conceptualization of data into classes. DBpedia OntologyDBpedia Ontology. Properties, Domain, Range. RDF. Example
Querying the semantic web Queries The queries are in the form of Rdf graph. Isparql A tool for querying RDF datasets. User must know properties and classes of the ontology the dataset is using.
Problem Statement User query given in a single triple but the answer is present as n triples. The relation is not present directly in the database. The user creates the relation which he thinks is appropriate. works for Actor director
Solution Finding the N triple form of the user query. Algorithm for finding destination class which scan all the properties in the ontology that have the domain of the 1 st class.Create a triple with candidate class. Tree form. Output will give the links from the 1 st class to destination class.
Evaluation Generate a set of queries having implicit relations from users. Generate the correct triple from an ontology expert. Retrieve the answer set. Find the correct triple using the algorithm. Evaluate the result using precision and recall.
Challenges Presence of Multiple Paths. The two classes can be related by different relations. Capturing the semantics of the relation given by the user and using it to find the correct path.