Registration Solutions for your Event Management
2 Rapid Registration Attributes Decrease Costs & Increase Efficiency –Increase staff productivity –Decrease overhead Increase Response –Electronic Registration process – confirmations & reminders Increase effectiveness –Flexible reporting options via Excel-based data download
3 Benefits for Invitee Fast & easy registration Immediate confirmations 24/7 access for registration update Web based product
4 Customized Registration Site Look of the site is customizable by your administrator –Choose colors, fonts & images –Build custom forms to collect data vital to each event Build your own registration form, or create your own templates to use as a Stock Form Attendee data available as an Excel file which can be used as is or imported into a database Technical support available 8:30AM to 7PM ET for administrators and registrants
Registration Process
6 To Register for an event Registrants go to using a Netscape or Internet Explorer browser The screen contains additional information important to the registrant; instructions and links to the Support Desk should they have difficulty logging in Initially, the participants will log in using the generic login assigned by the administrator
7 Welcome Page The first page a Registrant sees is the Welcome Page This page contains details about the event. It can be customized with company logo and up to 3 photos. Registrants click the button “To Register” to start the registration process
8 Participant Information Simple Registration The registrant will only need to provide their name & address. This is the most basic information that is needed from the registrant Comprehensive Registration The registrant will need to fill out a more comprehensive form to collect more personal details such as address, phone number, etc. There are 2 options to collect the Registrant information depending on how much information is needed. Any field that has an asterisk next to it is a required field and must be filled in by the participant or they cannot advance to the next form.
9 Unique password Each registrant creates a unique password that will allow only them access to their data after they have completed their registration Throughout the site, registrants are given the option to “Save & Close”. Then they can use their address and the unique password they assigned themselves to log back in and complete their registration at their convenience
10 Companions Sites can be set up to accommodate an adult companion and up to 3 children
11 Guest Information Form The following are examples of some commonly used custom forms
12 Hotel Preferences
13 Air Preference Screen
14 Shirt Sizes Form
15 Credit Card Required Credit card collection is available and can be enabled on any of the custom forms Credit Card data is collected on an SSL platform and is encrypted upon entry. Only the designated administrator has access to a program to de-crypt the information. The credit cards are not charged and this is not a “shopping cart” function. Collection of credit card data is for reporting or hotel guarantee purposes only, unless processed through a 3 rd party merchant account.
16 Completion The “Thank you” screen pops up to show the registrant they have completed the process successfully. A summary screen will then appear when “Finish” is pressed.
17 Registration Summary This screen shows the status of all required forms. Also available is a Notes section where the registrant can type a comment, note or request and it is automatically ed to the administrator
18 Printable Summary On the Registration Summary page there is a “Printable Summary button. This document displays the responses the participant has made. The printable summary button allows the participant to print their registration information for easy reference
19 confirmation to registrant - complete Each registrant receives a confirmation with a link back to the site and a reminder on how to log back in
20 confirmation to registrant - incomplete If the registration is not complete, the system generates an alert to notify the registrant they have not completed all the information that is required to process their registration This alert also has a link back to the site and a reminder on how to log back in
21 Summary options - incomplete By viewing the Registration Summary Screen the registrant sees what forms are incomplete Completing and closing each item returns the registrant back to the summary screen, until all forms have been completed. Finally, an notification is sent to the administrator that the registrant has completed their registration
Site Building Process
23 4 Easy Steps to Build & Manage a Site Step 1: Login and enter your event details Step 2: Build & customize your registration forms Step 3: Monitor and manage registrant responses Step 4: Download registrant data for reporting
Step 1. Login and Enter Your Event Details
25 Log In to the Admin Screen The designated administrator is provided with a Unique User Name and password to access their Admin screen This bring you to the Global Administrative Menu, where you would choose “View Sites”
26 Add a New Site Your company name here The administrator is then able to begin building a site into your company’s personal database To add a new site, they simply click on the “New” button on the right side of the screen
27 General Site Parameters Select “Yes” for Site Active. This allows the administrator to view the Welcome page on the Internet as they are building it, and make it so invitees can register after the site has been built.
28 General Site Parameters For Simple Registration: -If you select “Yes” the registrant will only need to provide their name & address - If you select “No” the registrant will need to fill out a more comprehensive form to collect more personal details such as address, phone number, etc.
29 General Site Parameters Add the site name, location, and dates Create a generic login & password for first time registrants Specify the number and type of participants to be included in your event Designate an address for notifications to the administrator The user name and password will be unique to each event
30 List of Company Sites After the administrator has set the parameters for the site, they will see the site listed in their company database. It is from this screen the administrator will finish building the site Next, the administrator would click on “Customize Display” to begin formatting the Welcome Page
31 Customize Welcome Page You can customize the color scheme, add a company logo and upload up to 3 photos to be displayed on the Welcome Page
32 Site Details (Welcome Page) Add details about your event to be displayed on the Welcome page Include items like: Hotel Information, Meeting Details, Transfer Instructions, Payment Details, Activities or an Agenda Add as many or as few details as you need
33 Sample Welcome Page
Step 2. Build & Customize Your Registration Forms
35 Site Forms On the Main database page, the administrator clicks on “Site Forms”
36 Creating a new form To build a new custom form, the administrator clicks on the “New Form” button
37 Creating forms Assign a name for the form Enable the form for the type of participant allowed to complete that page: participant, companion, and/or child
38 Form Building Screen Choose from a variety of elements to build your forms
39 Form Elements List of form elements to choose from Select an element, fill out the information & click Add to add it to the form Repeat this step until your form is complete You can designate some fields as mandatory for registrants by clicking this box. They cannot advance to the next form until they complete this field
40 Sample Form Title Element Radial dial element Text box element Text Area element
41 Stock Forms The Form Maintenance Screen gives you the option to use templates. These are stock forms the administrator can create and save to use in multiple registration sites Stock forms can be used in any site in your database and can be accessed
42 Finish building Once all forms have been finalized and no further changes are needed the administrator finalizes the site
43 Congratulations! Your Site is built and is ready to go!
Step 3: Monitor and manage registrant responses
45 notification to administrator - complete For each new registrant, an is automatically generated to the administrator with a link to that registrant’s data for easy viewing
46 notification to administrator - incomplete Notification is also sent to the administrator that a new participant has started, but not completed their registration
47 Viewing individual details By clicking on that link, the administrator can get a quick overview of the new registrant’s information A green checkmark denotes a completed form, a yellow triangle means the form is incomplete
48 If a registrant logs back in to the system and makes a change to their registration, an is automatically sent to the administrator to notify them the change / update notification to administrator - Change / Update
49 View registrants List of registrants for this event From the main database page, the administrator can view current registrations at any time by clicking on the “People Icon” (blue heads) next to the event
50 all registrants If there has been a change in the event, a group can be sent to all current registrants by pressing the Group button
Step 4: Download registrant data for reporting
52 Generate Excel data file From the Site Summary page the administrator selects “Generate Site File” to create an Excel file of registrants
53 Generate Excel data file Press the “Generate File” button to start the download
54 Sample Data Download Data is downloaded into an Excel file which can be manipulated as needed or imported into an Access database to make customized reports
Registration solutions for your event management