WHEN meeting, Vienna, 12 June 2007 E&H Independent Review Panel/Forum Contribution to the Ministerial „Report Card” Eva Csobod Regional Environmental Center, E&H Topic Area
The aim of the Independent Panel/Forum The aim of the reporting: to assess the implementation of the CEHAPE in some countries in the WHO Europe Region, specifically addressed the four RPGs, to provide communication feedback on the ongoing progress in a structured way Methodology: the WHCA and the REC developed a non randomized survey to collect individual opinions (different stakeholders) 14 questions required 1-10 rated responses on CEHAPE process in the country from 2004 cooperation of sectors/agencies adequate policy and legal instruments defined gaps and challenges good practices, and recommendations towards progress.
The outcome of the perception based reporting Responses: 10 from the Balkan and NIS Countries Progress: children’s health is more on the agenda of the Governments – development/adoption of the comprehensive policy framework significant progress has been made on the implementation of certain RPGs following the adoption of the Budapest Declaration in 2004 many of the gaps in regulation will be bridged by the adoption of a number of drafted EU-conforming laws (Balkan), for example RPG 3 on indoor air quality, several new laws have been introduced to impose a smoking ban in closed premises and regular sanitary, surveillance at kindergardens/ schools, the law on noise
The outcome of the perception based reporting Challenges: co-operation of sectors (environment, health, education, etc), levels specific mechanism to implement legal requirements the lack of data, regular measurements and monitoring systems impact on children’s health originated primarily from wastewater and surface water pollution, lack of wastewater treatment plants improvement of public awareness related to E&H issues
Suggestion for the E&H Independent Forum towards 2009: deliberative assessment and sub- regional reporting Thank you for your attention! Contact: