Air Quality Policy Division D P A Q 1 Regional Haze Update WESTAR September 17-19, 2007 EPA Office of Air Quality Planning & Standards
Air Quality Policy Division D P A Q 2 State Implementation Plans (SIPs) Due December 17 th, 2007 –Interim progress reports due every 5 years –Full SIP revisions due every 10 years SIP preparation revolves around: –the 1999 Regional Haze Rule –the 2005 BART Guidelines –the Reasonable Progress Guidance (issued June, 2007) Most States SIPs will be submitted under §51.308, but 4 States (Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming) will use § for addressing SO 2 their SIPs
Air Quality Policy Division D P A Q 3 SIPs – What’s Required? Reasonable Progress Goals (RPGs) –2 goals – one for the 20% worst visibility days and one for the 20% best visibility days –RPGs projected initially for 2018 and revised every 10 years –SIP requires an analysis of 4 statutory factors: Cost of compliance Time necessary for compliance Energy and non-air quality impacts Remaining useful life of source –Consideration given to point, area, and mobile sources –4 factors used in combination with the uniform rate of progress (glidepath) to determine which sources are reasonable to control
Air Quality Policy Division D P A Q 4 SIPs – What’s Required (cont.)? Best Available Retrofit Technology (BART) –BART eligibility review: Major Point Sources in one of 26 categories In the 1962 – 1977 timeframe PTE ≥ 250 TPY of any one visibility impairing pollutant –Subject to BART generally if modeled visibility impact exceeds a threshold (no higher than 0.5 dv) –BART control limits determined by consideration of 5 factors: Cost of compliance, energy and non-air quality impacts, existing pollution control technology, remaining useful life of source, degree of visibility improvement resulting from the use of BART
Air Quality Policy Division D P A Q 5 SIPs – What’s Required (cont.)? Long Term Strategies –Must include enforceable limits, compliance schedules and other measures necessary to achieve reasonable progress goals –Requires consultation among States Monitoring, and other implementation requirements –Requires submission of emission inventories; monitoring requirements satisfied through participation in IMPROVE network
Air Quality Policy Division D P A Q 6 SIPs – Status NC, MO, and PA draft SIPs have been submitted to EPA and the FLMs Roughly 30 States expected to submit on time We know several States will be late –States should work with their regional office to get SIPs in as soon as possible.
Air Quality Policy Division D P A Q 7 Issues Late/Incomplete SIPs Commitments in SIPs Consistent Review of SIPs