RGPS Overview HE Yangfan, WANG Chong, WANG Jian SKLSE, Wuhan University
Content Background RGPS metamodels RGPS based tools Relationship with RM-ODP Summary
IT Evolution Objective: Provide On-demand Services for Users (Developer/End User)
Service is Flourishing… IaaS Infrastructure as a Service PaaS Platform as a Service SaaS Software as a Service SOA Cloud Computing : XaaS
6 Meet in Middle On-demand Service Provision RGPS Metamodels RGPS Metamodels Computing service Networked Environment Requirements Elicitation and Analysis Common requirementsPersonalized requirements Software Service Service Aggregation Platform Service Storage Service Service Oriented User Centric
7 Objectives of RGPS RGPS provides a framework for the management,discovery and sharing of service- related models. RGPS consists of several views of services, which can be used to capture user’s requirement. According to the mapping between user’s requirement and the RGPS registration information, appropriate models/services can be selected to satisfy user’s intention. Semantic annotations will be used to express the relationship between service-related models and domain ontologies.
RGPS Metamodels
9 R G P S Metamodel of Role and Goal Registration Metamodel of Service Registration Metamodel of Process Registration
A simple example of RGPS Housewife Cook delicious food Role Goal Process Service MFI-5 MFI-7 MFI-8
Semantic Annotation of RGPS models G S Service Composite ServiceAtomic Service realizes Goal Nonfunctional GoalFunctional Goal Role Goal Personal Goal Process Composite ProcessAtomic Process P achievescontributes preferstakesCharge R RoleOrganization Actor plays consistsOf Entity Ontology Operation Ontology Context Ontology Object hasObject Input hasInput Output hasOutpu t Message hasMessage Semantic Annotation Operation hasOperation Dynamic ContextProfile Contextual Depend Contextual Expectation Contextual Property Domain Ontologies Functional Goal: Sort Order Can be used to capture and analyze user’s requirements mapping between model/service
Specification Registration Interoperation UML BPEL OPM PSL … Process Registry based on MFI-5 OWL-S WSDL WSMO WADL … Service Registry based on MFI-7 RM-ODP BMM FOAF Tropos … Role and Goal Registry based on MFI-8 On Demand Model Selection (MFI-9)
MFI-9: On-Demand Model Selection (1/2) S R G P Role Model Goal Model Process Model Service Model Developer A typical case
S R G P Role Model Goal Model Process Model Service Model End User Another typical case MFI-9: On-Demand Model Selection (2/2)
RGPS based tools
16 O-RGPS Domain Modeling Tool Role Modeling Goal Modeling Process Modeling Service Registration
An Example in Urban Transportation Domain Role Model Goal Model Process Model Service Model Model Relationship
18 Registration Platform of Services
Registering Web Services based on Domain Ontologies Semantic annotation based on domain ontologies Web service discovery based on semantic annotation
Requirements Elicitation and Analysis Tool based on RGPS S P G R O O-RGPS 领域本体 / 模型 Elicit requirements Identify roles and goals Decompose goals Generate Process
Relationship with RM-ODP
What is ODP RGPS will not cover all the aspects of information systems RGPS focuses on the management and sharing of domain models. It aims to promote the interoperation between systems.
Content of ODP(1/6)
Content of ODP(2/6) R G P
Content of ODP(3/6)
Content of ODP(4/6) S
Content of ODP(5/6)
Content of ODP(6/6)
ISO/IEC 19793:2008 (Update of ODP) R S G P
Relationship between ODP and RGPS R S G P interoperation
31 Things to try Register the models which confirm to ODP specifications in RGPS registry Reuse the models which have been registered in RPGS registry in the ODP modeling process
MFI-8: Role and Goal Registration MFI-5: Process Registration MFI-7: Service Registration MFI-9: On-Demand Model Selection Characteristics of RGPS Meet in Middle User Centric + Service Oriented Semantic Annotation