Project Goals o Meet Strategic Action Plan Performance Measure Strategy 4.1.1: Utilize nature’s water supply resources effectively for water supply o Meet the Conservation Policy Principles of The City o Meet the Best Management Practices of the St. Johns River Water Management District o Meet the Department of Environmental Protection regulatory requirements
Regulatory Requirements: o WTP#3 has a discharge permit limit for iron of 0.3 mg/L o WTP#3 Concentrate is greater than 0.3 mg/L o Florida Department of Environmental Protection Administrative Order 154NE provides a schedule to meet the iron discharge limitation o Concentrate is permitted as a source water at WTP#1 o Color Compliance at WTP #1 is dependent on color reduction treatment by ozone treatment at WTP#3
Contractor Selection o Sawcross Inc. was determined to be the low bidder at the Bid opening on May 1, 2014 to complete the Concentrate Pre-treatment Project at Water Plant #3 o At the May 13, 2014 workshop, staff presented the Sawcross Inc. contract for Council consideration o Signing of the construction contract was held in abeyance until the State appropriated the $375, grant funding for the project
Process Components: Primary System o Ozone system for color reduction o Recovers up to 750,ooo gallons per day Secondary System o Cartridge filtration system for iron reduction
Funding: o Total Project Budget - $1,580,000 o Design & Permitting - $162,345 o Construction Cost including contingency - $1,407,680 o Source of Funds: 5 Year CIP bond funds o St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) Cooperative Cost Share Grant - $494,800 o Florida Legislative Funding Grant - $375,000 Water Plant #3 Concentrate Pre-treatment Project
July 15, 2014 Council Actions: o Resolution to initiate a Construction Contract with Sawcross Inc. for improvements at Water Plant#3 o Resolution to authorize the City Manager to finalize a Department of Environmental Protection Grant Funding agreement
Questions? Water Plant #3 Concentrate Pre-treatment Project