History of the Genesis During development the hardware was called "Mark V, but Sega CEO Hayao Nakayama officially named it "Mega Drive". Sega used the name Mega Drive for the Japanese, European, Asian, Australian and Brazilian versions of the console, Sega Genesis. The North American version went by the name "Sega Genesis" due to a trademark dispute. They had finally resolved all of their differences, and published the SEGA GENESIS in 1988.
Games of the Genesis Phantasy Star IV One genre that was noticeably under-served on the Sega Genesis was the RPG. With Final Fantasy (and other Square games) firmly entrenched over on the side of Nintendo, something needed to make up for the deficiency for Sega. Thankfully, the Phantasy Star series came along, and the 4th entry proved to be not only one of the greatest Genesis RPGs of all-time, but one of the greatest RPGs period. The game combined deep storytelling, well-honed game mechanics, and a unique take on combining fantasy and science-fiction to create one of the most memorable RPG experiences ever crafted. They were so confident in their games, they didn't even care how they spelled "fantasy."
The game graphics
…. Shining Force II is one of the greatest tactical RPGs ever created, not that that sounds too impressive when you realize how few tactical RPGs there really are out there. One of the reason there are so few is because everyone saw this game come out and figured "who could possibly top this?" But Shining Force II was something more special than just that – it had unparalleled depth in both gameplay and story, and more characters ready to join your party than an episode of Game of Thrones. The only drawback was the game required a huge time investment to fully appreciate it – but at least you weren't technically lying when you told your friends you couldn't hang out because a huge party was taking up all your time.
The Game Graphics
… Few greater joys exist than throwing shurikens as an endlessly powerful ninja, as The Revenge of Shinobi was proud to remind us all. In addition to the usual trappings of a ninja arsenal, you had the ability to use several ninjutsu techniques, which were essentially magic. Ninjas and magic, this all sounds good, but what else is there to really add in the nerd appeal? Well, you also got to fight a T-Rex in the middle of a New York City dock and say hi to Spider-Man. Eat that, every other game ever.
The game graphics
… There are tough games, and then there's Ghouls 'n Ghosts – a sometimes impossibly difficult game that has no right to be as fun as it is. Yet with the right mix of memorable music and solid gameplay, it managed just that. You play as the knight Arthur, racing through the standard medieval levels crawling with undead hellspawn, trying desperately to not get hit, lose your armor, and be stuck moving forward in only your boxers. If this doesn't sound too difficult, just ask someone who have played the game about the purple tongues and watch years of repressed rage burst out.
The game graphics
The failed games of the Genesis. This is he Michael Jackson’s Moonwalker video game for the Genesis. This 16-bit artifact captures the sliver of time between Jackson's pop ascendancy during the "Thriller" era and his tortuous downfall fueled by vanity and dark allegations. As such, it's nearly impossible to look back on his Genesis game completely severed from all of the horrible things we've heard about Jackson in recent years.
The game grpahics
Rivalries! SEGA also had many other rivalries, with other game companies. Nintendo realized the success of the Genesis, and had to take it’s position. Thy created the SUPER NINTENDO ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM, which was very successful. Nintendo had also created the Gameboy, which was overthrown by SEGA’s Game Gear, and the Atari Lynx.
Why I picked the SEGA Genesis I picked the SEGA Genesis because of the fact that it’s the revolutionary video game system. Despite being from the primitive age of 1988, the Genesis was the father of the SEGA Saturn ( which failed miserably) and finally the SEGA Dreamcast, (which was desperately made to overcome the failure of the Saturn.)
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