Governance Charter Continuum Membership Participation Opportunities
Overview of Presentation What is the Governance Charter and what does it accomplish? Key Definitions in Charter Review the Organizational Chart Describe Role of Continuum Membership Opportunities for Participation: Leadership Board and Committees HUD Continuum of Care Committee Next Steps
What is the Governance Charter? Adopted by the EveryOne Home Leadership Board on 6/25/15 Result of efforts by 13-member Structure and Governance Committee Outgrowth of System Redesign Work of 2014 and conversations at the Leadership Board Meets HEARTH requirement but does a whole lot MORE to advance our collective plan for ending homelessness in Alameda County!
What does the Charter accomplish? Demonstrates how stakeholders will: govern the collective impact initiative to end homelessness meet the federally-defined responsibilities of operating a HUD continuum of care direct the work of the backbone organization, EveryOne Home promote partnership and accountability among the various leadership bodies
Definitions Collective Impact—the commitment of a group of important actors from different sectors to a common agenda for solving a specific social problem, such as ending homelessness Backbone organization (EveryOne Home)— organization/staff that manages the collective impact initiative through ongoing facilitation technology and communications support, data collection and reporting, and handling myriad logistical and administrative details needed for the initiative to function smoothly.
Definitions Continuum of Care and Continuum—group organized to carry out the responsibilities required under the Interim Rule. Continuum of Care Members—persons who have joined in the collective impact initiative to end homelessness. Members of the CoC are also members of the Collective Impact Initiative, EveryOne Home. Continuum of Care Lead– EveryOne Home, the entity designated by the CoC to coordinate its operations and planning functions
Definitions HMIS Lead– entity designated by the CoC in accordance with the Interim Rule to operate the Continuum’s HMIS on its behalf Collaborative Applicant– eligible applicant that has been designated by the CoC to submit the request for all CoC funds on behalf of the continuum
Continuum of Care Membership Roles & Responsibilities: Generate ideas and provide strategic input to the Leadership Board and its committees/staff for the annual work plan, systems changes, and updates to the governance charter. Membership: Open membership. No term limits but must attend meetings to remain an active voting member. Meetings: Hold at least two meetings per year (includes 1 annual meeting in the fall). Annual meeting: Elect designated members to EveryOne Home Leadership Board and HUD CoC Committee. Ratify initial governance charter and subsequent changes to it.
Leadership Board Roles and Responsibilities: Leads the collective impact initiative, including strategic oversight of the CoC. Membership: Range of members. High-level appointed and nominated staff; must be members of EveryOne Home/CoC. 3 year terms, no term limits. One member is elected by the CoC membership. Meetings: Meet no fewer than 4x per year. Other: Two co-chairs serve for one year.
Committees with Open Memberships: Interested persons can join at anytime. Advocacy/Policy Committee—advocates for public policies at the state, federal, and local levels that enhance the initiative’s ability to end homelessness. Home Stretch Committee—implements and oversees the strategy to end chronic homelessness. Operation Vets Home Committee—implements and oversees the strategy to end veteran homelessness. Coordinated Entry System Committee—implement and oversee the operations of the coordinated entry system (to be formed)
Committees with Selected Memberships: Members elected or appointed. Steering Committee Organizational Health Committee Nominating Committee HUD Continuum of Care Committee
HUD CoC Committee Roles and Responsibilities: Functions as the CoC Board to act on behalf of the membership to ensure CoC responsibilities are being fulfilled. Membership: 9 members: 6 appointed/recruited positions 3 elected by the CoC membership. 3 year terms; no term limits. Meetings: Meet at least 6x per year.
HUD CoC Committee Sub-committees: Performance Management sub-committee— oversees the operations of HMIS, production of annual performance reports and needs analysis, and analyzes data used in system design work (Open Membership) Homeless Count sub-committee—oversees the biennial homeless count (Open membership) NOFA sub-committee—oversees local rating and ranking process for CoC funding. (Selected membership)
Next Steps: Become a member of EveryOne Home/Continuum of Care, today! Indicate your interest in participating in: Leadership Board HUD CoC Committee Open Committees Invite others to join Review full Governance Charter avail at by end of August Attend the Annual Meeting Save 10/29 and 11/5 on your calendars Final date and location available soon