Post-harvest loss of farmers’ crops ranging from 15% to 35% (handling, loading, transporting, unloading, and reloading). Loss of farmers’ crops during storages estimated from 3% to 5% due to rat, weevil, and sometimes moisture. Lack of market information and quality control causing the large gap between the farm-gate prices and terminal market prices
“ Ensure enough and safe food for all people, contributing to reduce poverty, increase GDP per capital and sustainable resource management and conservation.” Export Rice 1 Million ton in 2015
Expected Output Process IndictorActivities Time table/ Dura tion Input/ Resource Budget Respo nsible Person 1. Harvest and Post- harvest technology are improved - Farmers, Buyers - Extension Staff at province level - 3 Provinces, high potential in Agriculture, are selected - Training to Farmer - Training to Extension Staff at province level Feb - April, 2012 MAFF, DAI, and PDAFF - Estimate cost, 5,000,000 Reil about 1,250 US $ DAI 2. Strengthen relationship of Farmer and Buyer - 60 Farmers from each province are trained - 15 Buyers are trained from private sector - Farmer Organizing - Training on Contract Farming - Workshop with private sector May - July, MAFF, DAI and PDAFF - Sub- Degree on Contract Farming - Estimate cost, 5,000,000 Reil about 1,250 US $ DAI MAFF: Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries PDAFF: Provincial Department Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries DAI: Department of Agro-Industry