Introductory Digital Control Systems Juhng-Perng Su, Ph.D. Department of Electrical Engineering National Dong-Hwa University Office: Room # D202 Tel:
Text Book 自編講義 (Prof. Su’s Handout) 自編講義 (Prof. Su’s Handout)
Important References 1. Charles L. Philips and H. Troy Nagle Digital Control System Analysis and Digital Control System Analysis and Design, 3 rd Ed., Pearson Inc., NJ, 1998 Design, 3 rd Ed., Pearson Inc., NJ, 1998 ( 滄海圖書代理 ). ( 滄海圖書代理 ).
Important References 2. M. Gobal Digital Control and State Variable Methods: Digital Control and State Variable Methods: Conventional and Intelligent Control Systems, Conventional and Intelligent Control Systems, 4 th Ed., McGraw-Hill, 2012 ( 全華圖書代理 ) 4 th Ed., McGraw-Hill, 2012 ( 全華圖書代理 )
Important References 3. Charles L. Philips and John M. Parr Feedback Control Systems, 5 th Ed., Feedback Control Systems, 5 th Ed., Pearson Inc., NJ, 2011 ( 高立圖書代理 ) Pearson Inc., NJ, 2011 ( 高立圖書代理 )
Important References 4. Norman S. Nise Control Systems Engineering, 4 th Ed., Control Systems Engineering, 4 th Ed., John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2004 ( 蒼海圖書 John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2004 ( 蒼海圖書 代理 ) 代理 )
Course Outline 1. Introduction 1) Motivation 2) What is a Control System? 3) Control System Design 4) Examples of Automatic Control Systems 5) Why Use Digital Control? 6) Configuration of the Basic Digital Control Scheme 7) Signal Conversion 2. Discrete-Time Systems 1) Discrete-Time System 2) Transform Methods 3) Theorems of z-Transform 4) Solution of Difference Equations 5) Inverse z-Transform 6) Simulation Diagrams and Flow Graphs 7) State Space Description
Course Outline 3. Sampled-Data Systems 1) Sampled Data 2) Ideal Sampler 3) Properties of Starred Transform 4) Data Reconstruction 5) Pulse Transfer Function 6) Open-Loop and Closed-Loop Discrete-Time Systems 7) Transfer Functions for Closed-Loop Discrete-Time Systems 8) State Space Models for Sampled-Data Systems
Course Outline 4. Analysis of Digital Control Systems 1) Discrete-Time System Stability 2) Jury’s Test 3) Mapping the s-Plane into the z-Plane 4) Root Locus 5) Nyquist Criterion 6) Bilinear Transformation 7) Bode Plot 8) Steady-State Accuracy
Course Outline 5. Design of Digital Control Systems Transfer Function Method Transfer Function Method Emulation Design Methods Phase-Lag Design Phase-Lead Design Digital PID Controllers Root-Locus Design
Course Outline 6. Design of Digital Control Systems State Space Method State Space Method Pole Assignment State Estimation Reduced-Order Observer Controllability and Observability Systems with Inputs
Grading Policy i/o Performance: 5% i/o Performance: 5% Home-Work Assignments: 40% Home-Work Assignments: 40% Mid-Term Examination : 25% Mid-Term Examination : 25% Final-Term Examination : 30% Final-Term Examination : 30% Remark: Each Examination is Composed of 2 Parts : 2 Parts : Part I: 10 ~ 20 points (difficult) Part I: 10 ~ 20 points (difficult) Part II: 80 ~ 90 points (fair) Part II: 80 ~ 90 points (fair)
Office Hours Wednesday 10:00 ~ 12:00 am & 14:00 ~17:00 pm Wednesday 10:00 ~ 12:00 am & 14:00 ~17:00 pm Office Number: D202 Office Number: D202 Tel: Tel: Cell: Cell: FTP file server: to be set up FTP file server: to be set up IP : IP : UN: digital_control UN: digital_control PW: student PW: student Port: 1111 Port: 1111
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