Identity & Calling
Struck by Grace
The Gospel is about grace
Luther didn’t believe that it is sufficient to know that God is the eternal and righteous Creator whom we are supposed to obey. Whoever obeys and worships this God ‘does not obey and worship the real God’.
Who only knows this about God, he thought, does not even come close to that which is most important: the immense depth of his fatherly heart and his pure, inexpressible love. God’s unconditional love of mankind, which is shown by the fact that Christ has carried away the sins of the world, is the most significant expression of God’s deepest being.
Luther was convinced that if people think they need to deserve God’s grace by their ‘their works, their strict way of life, and their own holiness’, they do not know God, because the grace of God is in every way a free gift and by no means a reward. Whoever wants to earn even the smallest part of God’s grace, reduces (violates) the honor of God and slanders his name. From: ‘Struck by Grace’
Grace only exists in practice Knowing rationally what grace is, is like reading a cookbook in the hope of satisfying your hunger. Jesus is Gods grace in practice
What is the effect of grace on a human being?
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