School of Arts and Creative Industries Technical Restructuring
Background Reductions in public spending Reductions in HE funding University has identified need to save £4.8m 2010/11 SACI has identifed need to save £1m SACI savings made to date of approx. £400,000
SACI Restructuring School restructuring split into 3 proposals: Faculty Administration restructuring SACI Academic restructuring SACI Technical restructuring Technical restructuring - part B of the Managing Organisational Change Documentation approved by PEG and discussed at ARC on 19 October 2010
SACI Current Technical Structure Technical Manager Screen & Media Screen Academy Scotland Merchiston Avenue Video Editing Technician (G5) Sound Technician (G5) Film Stores Technician (G3) Screen & Media Journalism Merchiston TV & Broadcast Journalism Technician (G5) Radio Technician (G4) Web Journalism Technician (G4:0.7)* * Split role between Craighouse/Merchiston Screen & Media English & Publishing Craighouse School Superintendent (G5) Typography & DTP Technician (G5: 0.7) Web Journalism Technician (G4: 0.3) Art & Design Merchiston Project Fabrication Technician (G5) Reprographics Technician (G4) Photography & AV Technician (G4) PC Technician (G4) Mac Technician (G4:0.5) Mac Technician (Casual:0.5) Photography Marchmont Photographic Technician (G4) Stores Technician (G3) Processing Technician (G2) Performance Popular Music Craighouse Studio & Instrument Technician (G5) Guitar Technician (G4) Music Technician (G4:0.6)
Savings from Proposals The original proposal identified a potential loss of 4 Technical posts. Following further consultation this has now been reduced to 3 posts. The Faculty is now seeking to make the following savings in its technician base in SACI: Lens Media: 1 FTE in general photography support Design: 1 FTE in general design support Music: 0.6FTE in general music support The benefits proposed would be a streamlining of service provision, with a concomitant financial impact: an annual saving in the region of £75K – £92k.
SACI Proposed Technical Structure Technical Manager Screen & Media Screen Academy Scotland Merchiston Avenue Video Editing Technician (G5) Sound Technician (G5 Film Stores Technician (G3) Screen & Media Journalism Merchiston TV & Broadcast Journalism Technician (G5) Radio Technician (G4) Web Journalism Technician (G4 0.7)* * Split role between Craighouse/Merchiston Screen & Media English & Publishing Craighouse School Superintendent (G 5) Typography & DTP Technician (G5: 0.7) Web Journalism Technician ( G4: 0.3) Art & Design Merchiston Project Fabrication Technician (G5) Reprographics Technician (G4) PC Technician (G4) Mac Technician (G4:0.5) Mac Technician (Casual: 0.5) Photography Marchmont Photographic Technician (G4) Stores and Processing Technician (G3) Performance Popular Music Craighouse Studio & Instrument Technician (G5) Guitar Technician (G4)
What happens now? Those potentially at risk have been notified Due process for redundancies and restructuring to be followed Individual consultations Explore opportunities for redeployment and retraining Interviews Timescales complete before end of November