Alcohol Alcoholic Beverages Immediate and long-term consequences Comprehensive Health Education Montgomery County Public Schools, MD Curriculum 2.0
Montgomery County Public Schools, MD Curriculum 2.0 Alcohol? Alcohol is: a colorless, unstable flammable liquid Alcohol has many uses including: Fuel to run cars and machines Solvent, cleaner Disinfectant Poison Drug Montgomery County Public Schools, MD Curriculum 2.0
Montgomery County Public Schools, MD Curriculum 2.0 Alcoholic Beverages Ethanol Ethyl alcohol or ethanol, is an intoxicating ingredient found in beer, wine, and liquor A can of beer, a glass of wine, and a shot of whisky all have the same amount of ethanol A can of beer A glass of wine A shot of whisky Montgomery County Public Schools, MD Curriculum 2.0
Montgomery County Public Schools, MD Curriculum 2.0 Why should I care? I am only in Grade 4. This is not important to me. I don’t drink alcohol. But what about choices you may need to make in the future? Montgomery County Public Schools, MD Curriculum 2.0
Why should I know how alcohol harms my brain and body? Choices I make everyday influence how I: Grow my brain Grow my body Maintain a healthy lifestyle Resist peer pressure Good choices are based on knowledge and information. Montgomery County Public Schools, MD Curriculum 2.0
Alcohol Harms the Brain and Body Brain—receiver, organizer, decision-maker, and distributor of information to the body Immediate effects of alcohol on the brain: Damaged judgment, reasoning, memory, and concentration Slow reaction time Slurred speech Distorted vision and hearing Alcohol poisoning Long-term effects of alcohol on the brain Brain cell destruction Nervous-system disorders Memory loss Montgomery County Public Schools, MD Curriculum 2.0
Alcohol Harms the Brain and Body Heart—muscle that pumps blood throughout the body Immediate effect of alcohol on the heart: Increased heart rate Long-term effects of alcohol on the heart: Irregular heartbeat Heart muscle damage Montgomery County Public Schools, MD Curriculum 2.0
Alcohol Harms the Brain and Body Liver—gland that digests fats, controls the level of sugar in the blood, breaks down harmful substances and stores some vitamins Immediate effects of alcohol on the liver: Digestion processes become unbalanced and don’t function properly Long-term effects of alcohol on the liver: Destruction of liver tissue Liver cancer Death Montgomery County Public Schools, MD Curriculum 2.0
Alcohol Harms the Brain and Body Kidneys—organs that remove waste materials from the body Immediate effect of alcohol on the kidneys: Increased urination which could result in dehydration, headache, and dizziness Long-term effect of alcohol on the kidneys: Kidney failure resulting in high blood pressure Montgomery County Public Schools, MD Curriculum 2.0
Alcohol Harms the Brain and Body Blood Vessels—tubes or canals that carry blood throughout the body Immediate effects of alcohol on blood vessels: Widened blood vessels False sense of warmth Long term effects of alcohol on blood vessels: High blood pressure Stroke Montgomery County Public Schools, MD Curriculum 2.0
Alcohol Harms the Brain and Body Stomach—main organ to digests food Immediate effect of alcohol on the stomach: Vomiting which can lead to choking and death Long-term effects of alcohol on the stomach: Ulcers (open sores) in the stomach lining Stomach cancer Montgomery County Public Schools, MD Curriculum 2.0
Take Responsibility for Your Brain and Body You can take responsibility to grow your brain and body by: Eating nutritious foods and beverages Drinking water Exercising daily Getting adequate sleep Reducing stress Making healthful choices Choosing not to drink alcohol Montgomery County Public Schools, MD Curriculum 2.0
Eat nutritious, healthful foods Take Responsibility for Your Brain and Body Eat nutritious, healthful foods You need to eat fruits, vegetables, grains, dairy, and protein foods every day. Total all the foods eaten during breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks to check daily intake amounts. Montgomery County Public Schools, MD Curriculum 2.0
Montgomery County Public Schools, MD Curriculum 2.0 Take Responsibility for Your Brain and Body Water Water is essential for life Carries nutrients Helps maintain body temperature Acts as a lubricant and helps remove wastes Montgomery County Public Schools, MD Curriculum 2.0
Montgomery County Public Schools, MD Curriculum 2.0 Take Responsibility for Your Brain and Body Exercise and Play You need 60 minutes of physical activity every day. Physical activity helps you feel energized, have fun, and develop lifelong habits while moving, playing, and spending time with others. Montgomery County Public Schools, MD Curriculum 2.0
Montgomery County Public Schools, MD Curriculum 2.0 Take Responsibility for Your Brain and Body Sleep You need 10 to 11 hours of sleep each night to maintain a healthy immune system, support brain development, and promote physical growth. Develop bedtime routines that promote sleep such as bath, bed, and books. Stop watching electronic media ( e.g., television, computer) 60 minutes prior to sleeping. Montgomery County Public Schools, MD Curriculum 2.0
Stress Strategies to manage stress: Take Responsibility for Your Brain and Body Stress Strategies to manage stress: Observe and practice strategies used by others to keep calm and in control Consider the good and bad consequences focusing on how to reduce anxiety Exercise such as riding a bike, walking, outdoor play, and sports Write about what is causing stress and add pictures Eat healthy foods Get adequate rest Plan for events, manage time, and practice decision-making strategies Manage breathing and relaxation Practice rational thinking (reality vs. fantasy) Montgomery County Public Schools, MD Curriculum 2.0
Montgomery County Public Schools, MD Curriculum 2.0 What will you do? How will you take responsibility to grow your brain and body? What will you commit to doing every day? Montgomery County Public Schools, MD Curriculum 2.0