Bowl for Kids’ Sake
BFKS 2012 Highlights # of participants # of teams Bowler average Team average Total Net Raised Spotlight new companies Top Fundraiser Top Team Top Company
What is Bowl For Kid’s Sake? For thirty years, Bowl for Kid’s Sake (BFKS) has been the signature fund-raiser of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Your City. Bowl for Kids’ Sake has the potential to directly generate revenue and build a donor and volunteer prospect base. hat is Bowl for Kids’ Sake? W Last year over 1,500 people participated, either as bowlers or sponsors In addition to raising money, BFKS is one of our best opportunities to introduce new people to Big Brothers Big Sisters of Your City.
Bowl For Kids’ Sake is more than a Bowling Party! We want Bowl For Kids’ Sake participants and donors to invest in our agency because they believe in our mission. These Bowl for Kids’ Sake supporters have the potential to become life-long partners of our agency, giving frequently and continually. Participating in Bowl For Kids’ Sake is one of the easiest ways for our community to participate in our life changing work.
Bowl for Kids’ Sake is our largest fundraiser, bringing in over $XX,XXX.
$75,000 in Team Donations Retain 75% of last year’s teams Recruit 2 new companies who could bring in 5-10 teams Reach out to Bigs, Littles, & Families though a Match Bowl Improve collection rate by encouraging online donations and at the door collection $20,000 in Corporate Sponsorship Retain 80% of last year’s sponsors Recruit 5 new sponsors who could donate $1,000 Upgrade 3 sponsors $95,000 Goal Goals
Create mission-driven partnerships Develop stronger ties to our Team Captains Use Bowl For Kids’ Sake as a opportunity to engage the entire community in the work of Big Brothers Big Sisters 2013 Plan
What can I do? We’re glad you asked! Bowl For Kids’ Sake is an important part of our organization and we need everyone’s help to make it successful! Help us find someone to serve on the BFKS committee or volunteer yourself! Steward BFKS participants! Get your company, faith organization, or social club involved! Captain your own team! Feedback and Suggestions!
Important Dates Feb 26 th, 12pm at BBBS office: Bowl For Kids’ Sake Kick-Off March 3 rd, 2pm & 5pm Big & Little Bowl for Kids’ Sake March 10 th, 4pm State University v. State College Bowl For Kids’ Sake March 31 st 5pm- BFKS Wrap-Up BBBS offices