Автор: Уржумова Тамара Семёновна, педагог дополнительного образования МБОУ ДОД ЦДТ г. Междуреченска Кемеровской обл QUIZ
Выберите категорию на слайде 3. Выберите вопрос на слайдах 4-6. Выберите один или несколько правильных ответов на вопросы 1-3. Выберите один правильный ответ на вопросы с картинками 4-6. Кнопка – возврат на слайд 3. Кнопка – возврат на слайды 4-6 (категории).
Animals Toys Colours
Find the Animals zebra iguana six lion
Find the Animal elephant hippo ball giraffe
Find the Animal tree doll rhino pencil
Find the Animal It is an elephant. It is a hippo. It is a lion. It is a giraffe.
Find the Animal It is an elephant. It is a hippo. It is a lion. It is a giraffe.
Find the Animal It is an octopus. It is a cat. It is a goat. It is a dog.
Find the Toys kite doll six lion
Find the Toys boat ball train twelve
Find the Toys yoyo teddy bear car thirteen
Find the Toys It is a yoyo. It is a teddy bear. It is a kite. It is a boat.
Find the Toys It is a yoyo. It is a teddy bear. It is a kite. It is a boat.
Find the Toys It is a car. It is a teddy bear. It is a doll. It is a train.
Find the Colours green black rubber white
Find the Colours black ball brown blue
Find the Colours pen pencil pink purple
Find the Colours It’s a green apple. It’s a green lemon. It’s a yellow apple. It’s a red apple.
Find the Colours It’s a green box. It’s a yellow bag. It’s a yellow box. It’s a red box.
Find the Colours It’s a green hat. It’s an orange hat. It’s a yellow hat. It’s an orange vase.
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