Instructors: Pam Held and Amy Dietz BCSD Literacy Camp August 28, 2009 Introducing Inquiry into Primary and Intermediate Research
Why is student inquiry important? We are living and learning in an information-rich, technology-rich, electronically connected world. Higher level thinking skills required evaluation decision making problem solving/invention creativity Inquiry requires that we expect more from our students than the “all about” report (“fetching information”).
Why is student inquiry important? “ Smart questions are essential technology for those who venture on to the Information Highway. Without strong questioning skills, you are just a passenger on someone else’s tour bus. You may be on the highway, but someone else is doing the driving.” (McKenzie, From Now On, “The question is the answer”)
Why is student inquiry important? “In spite of the fact that our wee kindergarten students arrive at school with “why?” and “how come?” questions, by the time they are in middle school many have lost this delightful and valuable curiosity.” ( Koechlin and Zwaan, 2006) Have your students asked some good questions today?
What is Inquiry? Definition from New World Dictionary An investigation or examination” “A question, query” Approach to student learning/research Student-centered, constructive learning Variety of sources of information over time Higher level thinking involved
Inquiry strategies for fiction and nonfiction Inquiry and questioning are effective learning strategies for both fiction and nonfiction texts. Reading workshop
Types of questions: teacher –generated questions Essential Questions Key element of the backward curriculum design process discussed in Understanding by Design (Wiggins and McTighe, 1998) Open-ended questions that originate from the subject areas of curriculum and are addressed by students using a variety of sources over time (Kuhlthau, 2007). Promote deeper understanding of a topic. Are classified at the top of Bloom’s Taxonomy (evaluate, synthesize, analyze). “Students must construct their own answers and make their own meaning from the information they have gathered.” (Mckenzie, From Now On, “Framing Essential Questions”) Students typically require teacher scaffolding of essential questions.
Types of questions: teacher –generated questions Essential Questions At the center of all other types of questions. “Offer the organizing focus for a unit.” (McKenzie, From Now On, “A Questioning Toolkit”) “The most important thinking requires one of these three questions: Why? – analysis of cause and effect How? – basis for problem solving and synthesis Which? – requires decision making (McKenzie, From Now On, “The question is the answer”)
Types of questions: student–generated questions Questioning toolkit Includes many different types of questions and questioning tools (McKenzie, FNO) Hands On Resources found on Inquiry Wiki: Questioning Toolkit form and Inquiry table
Fun ideas to build questioning habits Question Fortune Teller 20 Questions ( Carol Koechlin, 2006)
Models for inquiry-based research Considerations for primary and intermediate students Graphic Organizers KWL Chart KNoWLedge Chart Capital Region BOCES Inquiry Curriculum Collaborative Planning Log Inquiry Project Samples Weather (primary) Black History Month (intermediate) Whales and the Environment (intermediate)
Reflection and Survey Thank you for attending and sharing your ideas Please remember to fill out Literacy Camp Survey Look for the Literacy Camp link on the left hand side of the district home page and link on Friday, August 28th