The University of Mississippi Geoinformatics Center NASA MRC RPC – 11 July 2007 Evaluating the Integration of a Virtual ET Sensor into AnnGNPS Model Rapid Prototyping Capability Project Dath Mita Lance Yarbrough Henrique Momm [The University of Mississippi] Collaborators Ronald Bingner (Ron) [USDA-ARS National Sedimentation Lab] Robert Ryan [SSAI-John C. Stennis Space Center]
The University of Mississippi Geoinformatics Center NASA MRC RPC – 11 July 2007 Objectives To provide a quantitative evaluation of the relationship between the potential evapotranspiration [ET P ], Vegetation Index VI [MODIS data], and Land Surface Temperature LST [TRMM data] To develop and evaluate a Virtual ET Sensor [VETS] model for estimating ET P using VI and LST data To evaluate the possibility of applying VETS model ET P estimates in AnnAGNPS 1
The University of Mississippi Geoinformatics Center NASA MRC RPC – 11 July 2007 AnnAGNPS [Annualized Agricultural Nonpoint Source Pollution Model] AnnAGNPS is a distributed, continuous simulation watershed-scale program [developed by USDA] Simulates point and nonpoint source [daily] quantities of: surface water, sediment, nutrients, and pesticides The model output is expressed on an event basis for selected stream reaches and as source accounting [contribution to outlet] The model can be used to evaluate Best Management Practices [BMPs]. 2
The University of Mississippi Geoinformatics Center NASA MRC RPC – 11 July 2007 AnnAGNPS: Key Processes Climate – Climate data are generated using GEM and Complete Climate Hydrology – Daily soil moisture balance Runoff – SCS curve number Subsurface flow – lateral subsurface flow using Darcy’s equation or tile drain flow Rill and sheet erosion – RUSLE Sediment delivery – HUSLE Chemical routing – dissolved or adsorbed by mass balance approach Potential evapotranspiration [ET]– Penman equation 3
The University of Mississippi Geoinformatics Center NASA MRC RPC – 11 July 2007 Project Overview Current AnnAGNPS ET input process: ET actual is derived as a function of ET potential and Soil moisture content ET potential is based on PENMAN equation Long process requiring several climate data inputs [wind, temperature, precip etc] Limited ground weather stations limited and generalized watershed ET estimates We propose to estimate ET potential using a Virtual ET Sensor [VETS] based on input data from MODIS and TRMM satellites 4
The University of Mississippi Geoinformatics Center NASA MRC RPC – 11 July 2007 Project Overview (cont..) Decision Support System enhancement through Replacement of PENMAN equation process with VETS model Providing alternative method for derivation of ET potential Tasks: Developing the VETS model Initial validation of the VETS model using MOD16 [ET] and field data Investigate application of VETS ET estimates in AnnAGNPS Investigate application of VIIRS [simulated] data in AnnAGNPS AnnAGNPS performance evaluation 5
The University of Mississippi Geoinformatics Center NASA MRC RPC – 11 July 2007 STUDY AREA Lower Mississippi, Yazoo River Basin Yalobusha Watershed 6 Rationale: -long history of hydrologic work -extensive infrastructure -long history of hydrologic data -NSL past & ongoing projects
The University of Mississippi Geoinformatics Center NASA MRC RPC – 11 July 2007 VETS: Concept Weather historical data Land Surface Temperature GridVegetation Index Grid PixelETpVILST 1Y1Y1 X 11 X 21 2Y2Y2 X 12 X 22 nYnYn X 1n X 2n 7
The University of Mississippi Geoinformatics Center NASA MRC RPC – 11 July 2007 J F M A M J J A S O N D Simulation period Yalobusha Watershed [ ] Data: IR + R bands MODIS VI GRID AnnAGNPS Analysis & Evaluation Final Report Peak Runoff est. Sediment yield Nutrient load Project Summary: Weather Station Data Land Surface Temp LST GRID Simulations Virtual ET Sensor: Regression model MOD16 MODIS daily PET GRID VIIRS daily PET GRID Penman ET data Outputs Simulated VIIRS VI GRID MOD16 MODIS TRIMM validation
The University of Mississippi Geoinformatics Center NASA MRC RPC – 11 July 2007 Project Schedule & Status
The University of Mississippi Geoinformatics Center NASA MRC RPC – 11 July 2007 Thanks
The University of Mississippi Geoinformatics Center NASA MRC RPC – 11 July 2007 MODIS-based data sources SEBS [Surface Energy Balance System] Variable (unit) Remote sensing variables –Surface temperature (oK); Surface emissivity –Surface albedo –Leaf Area Index –Fractional vegetation coverage –Roughness height and displacement height (m) Source MODIS Land Products –MOD-11: Land surface temperature and emissivity –MOD-43: Surface reflectance –MOD-15: Leaf Area Index & FPAR –MOD-13: Gridded NDVI & MVI –MOD-12: Land Cover