SLAC ARD Test Facilities Tor Raubenheimer December 8 th, 2010
SLAC SPC May 2010 Meeting Page 2 SLAC Accelerator Research SLAC is largely focused on accelerator-based research –SLAC accelerator research is key to the future of the laboratory Accelerator R&D focused on advancing operating facilities and the next generation of HEP and BES accelerators World-class research programs in Accelerator Science –High gradient acceleration: microwave structures, direct laser acceleration, plasma wakefield acceleration –High brightness sources: Beam physics and computing –Technology programs to translate research into operations Laboratory has unique facilities –Experimental facilities for accelerator R&D –Technical support and fabrication capabilities to implement results
Existing Experimental Test at SLAC Accelerator Research requires R&D facilities Development has a long timeline Important to have facilities with different energy scales Even small facilities are expensive to operate and maintain University participants require more of a user facility paradigm Model for facility support is changing but support is critical for future R&D Work supported by the U.S. DOE under Contract no. DE-AC02-76SF00515 July 8, 2008 ASTA Test Facility From Two 50 MW Klystrons Variable Delay line length through variable mode converter Gate Valves Two experimental stations inside the enclosure, one with compressed pulse and the other without the benefit of the pulse compressor. SLAC Accelerator Research Stanford University Scientists, Technical Staff & Accelerator Hardware Fabrication ESB and NLCTA Test Facility 50 MeV capability RF component testing Future photocathode R&D Rapid modifications possible 400 MeV capability with L-band (10 MW), S-band (30 MW), and X-band (500 MW) RF sources RF structure and low gun testing Low energy beam experiments Direct Laser Acceleration E- 163, Echo-7, -exchange, micro-bunching, CSR, THz, RF Undulator … Infrastructure for RF system development and laser-electron interaction experiments FACET Test Facility 20 GeV capability Ultra high density beams Verification of novel approaches Unique facilities only possible because of SLAC linac FACET Experimental Region L C L S - II I n j e c t o r End Station Test Beam LCLS Expansion Po ssi ble LC LS -III Inj ect or FACET Operation 2012 – 2017 National & International Collaborations
Existing ARD Experimental Program RF Linac and Technology Development High Gradient Acceleration experimental research High brightness beams and FEL experimental research Beam Physics, Accelerator Design, HP Computing and Technical Infrastructure FACET, NLCTA, ASTA FACET, NLCTA, LCLS NLCTA, ASTA Note: ESTB not included as this is largely for HEP detector R&D although it will likely receive accelerator diagnostic proposals as well
Introduction Source brightness has been increasing 1000x every decade Future challenges to understand dynamics and time evolution Requires improved coherence and energy bandwidth –Short pulses and high brightness electron sources –Seeding of soft and hard x-ray FELs –Multiple pulses with timing control for pump probe Meeting these challenges will require advances in both fundamental accelerator concepts as well as directed development of accelerator science and technology Program will need a combination of quasi-parasitic use of operating facilities and a diverse set of dedicated test beds Role of Accelerator Physics R&D Page 5
ARD Strategic Goals for Advancing XFELs Five strategic efforts aimed at XFEL objective 1.Strong beam and FEL theory effort 2.Develop new high brightness injectors LCLS-II and upgrades 3.Development of novel beam handling and seeding techniques 4.High resolution diagnostics, timing and synchronization techniques 5.Development of high gradient and high rep rate FEL drivers Focus on concepts unique to SLAC – high peak brightness Challenge –This is research, not development or demonstration –Need correctly sized facilities to explore concepts quickly followed by demonstrations performed at larger scale SLAC SPC May 2010 Meeting Page 6
High Brightness Photo-Injector LCLS photo-injector performing better than specified: –Opens opportunity for re-optimizing FEL complexes LCLS-II –But, factor of ~2x poorer performance than simulations and next steps for significant improvement are not clear Path towards a higher brightness injector: 1.Improve cathode thermal emittance cathodes and laser 2.Reduce space-charge and gun aberrations electron guns 3.Manipulate beam to optimally use brightness beam dynamics SLAC SPC May 2010 Meeting Page 7
Cathodes and Lasers Very hot topic with programs around the world Most groups are focused on high average brightness –High QE to ease laser requirements for high average current –SLAC should focus on high peak brightness, ideally, with multi- bunch trains but low still average current A number of new ideas for better photocathodes –Coatings, diamond amplifiers, transparent cathodes, … –Study QE and thermal emittance performance Also need to explore operational limitations –Cathode lifetime, damage limits and cleaning procedures –Some of studies can be done in test chambers and some must be done in operating rf guns
Cathode Test Facility Have dc cathode test chambers to study QE Build a facility with high rep rate laser to study thermal emittance, lifetime and in situ cleaning –Want rapid turn-around for R&D studies but include options for accelerated lifetime testing and gun qualification –Separate thermal emittance performance from other issues Always want higher energy but not clear it is necessary Possible to utilize ASTA facility to establish CTF capability –S-band and X-band rf power is available –Shielding for 50 MeV beams but space is limited start with gun –<2M$ capital cost for lasers, PPS, test stand & controls upgrades –Operation costs ~500k/year (inc. operators, techs & consumables)
ASTA & CTF Three goals for CTF: Cathode research Operational techniques Rf gun qualification Open path to future collaborations
Electron Guns LCLS rf gun performs extremely well How to improve? –Many incremental improvements (better field comp, load lock, …) –No concrete ideas for factor of 2 much less a factor of 10 What about different approaches? –DC photo-injector (reduced space charge and emittance from gun) –Low rf frequency gun (reduced field tolerances and beam loading) –High gradient rf gun (reduced space charge and bunch length) X-band rf gun offers factor of 4~5 improvement in simulation but will be challenging to implement –Synergies and collaboration with other programs
Rf Gun Development X-band rf gun has potential to enable compact linacs –Compact single-frequency linac compared with lower rf frequency –Higher brightness with ~ 3x higher peak currents and smaller ┴ –Collaboration with LLNL and UCLA on X-band gun technology Construct rf gun test stands in NLCTA and Cathode Test Area in ASTA Rf gun detail Rf gun test beam line
Beam Manipulation and Seeding Want to manipulate the beam to optimally use the brightness, ie bunch compression, emittance exchange, etc –Study effects deleterious during bunch compression: CSR, microbunching, … –Verify emittance exchange techniques and beam transformations Experiments on NLCTA linac: –Echo-7 completion and Narrow-band THz generation –COTR and micro-bunching studies –CSR catch-up / shielding measurements –Emittance exchange studies –Rf and short-period undulator demonstrations Upgrade Echo-7 proposal 1.8M/yr BD proposal 3.5M/yr
120 MeV linac with variety of L-band, S-band and X-band rf power sources, 3 laser systems and flexible beam line –Direct laser acceleration –Echo-7 seeding experiment –Microwave rf gun and structure testing –Shared between HEP and BES programs End Station B Facility for Accelerator R&D Class 10,000 Clean room 20 feet Chicane -1 Echo-7 Beam line Evolve NLCTA into ‘Injector Test Facility’ on ~ 2016 timescale LCLS-III Flexible UV and IR laser SLAC SPC May 2010 Meeting Page 14
NLCTA Limitations Would like GeV-scale beam energy and space for radiator –Present NLCTA linac energy is 120 MeV –Installed rf makes allows increasing energy to ~300 MeV –Shielding enclosure is only 50m in length Need to rebuild linac or extend shielding to add radiators and downstream diagnostics –Power and water exist to support additional rf power –Largely based on 1 st generation X-band rf technology Expensive to convert everything to S-band if that is desired
Planned Upgrades Improved diagnostics –Installing two X-band TCAVs for longitudinal phase space diagnostics, energy spread control and emittance exchange studies –Installing new spectrometer with 4x better resolution New rf gun and capture section –Existing UCLA/SLAC/BNL S-band gun old X-band structures 1.Either install X-band rf gun and improved capture structures 2.Or improve S-band gun and add S-band capture structure –Studies at NLCTA to understand present limitations Modify 1 st chicane (Chicane -1) –Present system very flexible but difficult to operate –Exploring options for replacement or improvement
SLAC SPC May 2010 Meeting Page 17 High Brightness Injector Program Three Parallel Experimental Efforts Page 17 Cathode Test Facility ASTA Facility Photocathode R&D aimed at understanding LCLS lifetime and damage issues Test rf gun modifications before installation in LCLS-I or II Longer term R&D aimed at high brightness cathodes with lower thermal (coatings, smoothness, new materials) LCLS-II Injector Incremental upgrade of LCLS-I with opportunity for R&D during commissioning Injector R&D Program NLCTA Facility Simulation and experimental program aimed at significant improvement in brightness 1)Design studies on rf gun design, CSR micro- bunching and cathodes 2)Rf gun development and testing at NLCTA in )NLCTA R&D on injector beam physics Construction in ~2014 and commissioning in ~2015 to study injector physics before LCLS-II operation Combined HB program requires ~3M/yr new funding
Timing and Synchronization fs scale science requires equally stable fs scale accelerator phasing and timing information over km scale – improved stability and resolution beyond existing state of the art –Beam and radiation properties dependent on timing/synch stability Research fundamental technical options –Integrated systems combine RF, optical synchronization with dynamic timing signals, integral diagnostics –Multi-drop distribution to 1000s of elements –Build on encoding techniques used in GPS and DSL (adaptive symbol coding, orthogonal spread spectrum codes) Proposed joint LBL-SLAC program (Fox/Byrd) –~500k/yr to develop options and technology
More Aggressive Approaches (in parallel or replacement) Want multiple facilities for different program scales –CTF/ASTA at few MeV –Injector system at 100~200 MeV –Beam dynamics studies at few hundred MeV –Dedicated seeding studies at Gev-scale –Studies at LCLS with high quality high energy beams Build S-band injector for rf gun and injector BD studies –Essentially the same as LCLS (LCLS-II) injector Build S-band injector in Sector-0 to allow GeV-scale studies –Need to understand limitations of merging beams and existing systems and how to operate FACET. Build high rep rate X-band linac for GeV-class studies –Either expand NLCTA or install in new location (ESA ?)