Open Access and Universal Deposit David Fox Librarians Forum May 11, 2009
“Librarians understand open access at the molecular level.” Heather Joseph, SPARC
Open Access Gold OA publishing Green OA archiving
OA Publishing An open access journal is one that uses a funding model that does not charge readers or their institutions for access. Open access publications allow users to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of its contents without restriction.
Extent of OA Publishing Directory of Open Access Journals 3,997 OA journals published in 98 countries, including 115 from Canada 650 new journal titles per year since 2003 OA journals now account for 5-10% of all scholarly journal publishing*. This phenomenon has taken place just within the last 8 years. *Source: Ulrich's Periodicals Directory (Ulrichsweb).
INSERT GRAPH Source: DOAJ, March 2009
Some Canadian OA Journals CMAJ (Canadian Medical Association Journal)CMAJ Canadian Journal of Sociology Canadian Political Science Review Journal of the Canadian Dental Association Journal of Distance Education Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience Journal of Religion and Popular Culture Journal of Research Practice
OA Publishing Platforms DPubS (Cornell Library and Penn State Univ. Libraries and Press)DPubS E-Journal (Drupal)E-JournalDrupal Open Journal Systems (PKP, SFU)Open Journal SystemsPKP 2000 titles in publication as of Jan 2009 Partnership, EBLIP supports many different e-publication models from fully open access to fully subscription-based and various hybrids in-between supports online peer-review software platform for CFI/Synergies
Tools and Guides for authors' rights SHERPA/RoMEO SHERPA/RoMEO (Nottingham) SPARC Canadian Author Addendum User Guide
OA publishing is a growing phenomenon OA publishing price competition OA publishing liberalization of authors’ rights OA publishing increases citations Ten-Year Cross-Disciplinary Comparison of the Growth of Open Access and How it Increases Research Citation Impact by Hajjem, Harnad & GingrasTen-Year Cross-Disciplinary Comparison of the Growth of Open Access and How it Increases Research Citation Impact OA publishing accelerates the dissemination of knowledge Open Access and the Progress of Science by Alma SwanOpen Access and the Progress of Science
OA Repositories CARL IR Survey CARL OAI harvester ROAR ( information on 1,310 repositories world-wide OpenDOAR (Nottingham)OpenDOAR information on 1,374 repositories world-wide
Library community 72 contributions from 19 librarians indexed by Google harvested by CARL OAI harvester, OAIster, etc. vehicle for disseminating librarians’ scholarly work
Funding Agency Mandates NIH CIHR (Jan 1, 2008)CIHR NSERC (policy pending)
Universal Deposit Policies Harvard – Feb 12, 2008Harvard Oregon State Library faculty – March 6, 2009Oregon State Library faculty MIT – March 18, 2009MIT
Universal Deposit Policies Common provisions: commitment to disseminating research and scholarship as widely as possible faculty members grant to the institution non-exclusive permission to distribute their scholarly articles, and to exercise any and all rights under copyright to such articles allows for application of the policy to be waived upon written justification by the author articles to be made available to the public in an open- access repository
Universal Deposit Policies UofC – April 17, 2009UofC Guidelines
Universal Deposit for UofS Librarians? How would we decide? How would it be implemented?
Questions / Discussion