Handling Complaints Positively Dr. Muslim Suardi, MSi., Apt. Faculty of Pharmacy University of Andalas
Costumer & Complaint It cost less to keep the costumer you have than to find new ones. One of the best ways to keep them is to treat their complaints as gifts.
Handling Complaints 1.Thank costumers 2.Apologize 3.Promised to deal 4.Collect all the information 5.Correct the mistake 6.Follow up 7.Prevention
1. Thank Costumers Thank costumers and explain why you’re pleased that they complained. Example: “Thank you. I’m glad that you told me so I can fix this for you and prevent it from happening again”.
2. Apologize Apologize for the problem This should not be the first step. Your apology will pack more punch if it comes after you’ve thanked them and explained why you’re glad they complained.
3. Promise to deal Promise to deal with the problem right away Hearing you say this relaxes customers because they know you’re going to act.
4. Collect all the information Collect all the information you need Ask: “So I can act quickly on this, could you please give me some information? Or: What will it take to satisfy you? Or: ask if they’ll be satisfied if you do x or y. Note: Never say, I’ll need some information. Other wise, I can’t help you!
5. Correct the mistake Correct the mistake and do it as quickly as possible. Fast action you’re serious about service recovery
6. Follow up Follow up to make sure customers are satisfied with what you’ve done.
7. Prevention Help prevent similar situations from occurring by letting everyone in your organization know about the problem.
Source Complaint is a gift, by Janelle Barlow and Claus Moller, Berrett-Koehler Publishers Inc.