Joint technical Secretariat in Riga I “Project Description” II “Partnership” 18 January 2010, Klaipėda 19 January 2010, Panevėžys & Saldus 21 January 2010, Līvāni Latvia–Lithuania Cross Border Cooperation Programme 2007–2013 WORKSHOP “How to prepare good application?”
WORKSHEET I Project Description 2
1. Good Project Title. HOW? 3 Project title – project business card Choose words clearly reflecting the focus of your project. The most important words first, then less important words Remove unnecessary for understanding words Good title – a quick picture for the reader of the key ideas of your project!
1. Is it a Good Project Title? 4 Establishment of Cooperation systems between sport facilities in Latvia–Lithuania Cross border region Harmonious Cross Border Co-operation in traffic safety of LV-LT border regions Development of infrastructure and services for entrepreneurship “Innovative Border” Improvement of water quality in small settlements Vriclava (LV) and Sauginiai (LT) Continuance of Latvia-Lithuania Cross Border Cooperation in Protection of Population and Environment Extra words: Illogical Two titles in one project Country abbreviations Spelling mistakes Not easy understandable
2. Short Title of the Project 5 LVLTMARINE Improvement of the labor force competitiveness in Latvia– Lithuania Maritime Sector Mid-Baltics Craft Cross-border network of craft as promoter of attractiveness of Latvia–Lithuania borderlands Museum Access Development of Accessible and Attractive Museums in Zemgale and Northen Lithuania THESPIRITOFCURONIA Sport games THESPIRITOFCURONIA of Curonian region in Skuodas and Liepaja RCBR Reconstruction of the Latvia–Lithuania cross border road Blankenfelde – Vaineikiai
3. Priority and Direction 6 3rd Call For Proposals: I Priority Direction of Support 1 Facilitating Business, Labour Market and R&T Development Direction of Support 2 Improvement of Internal and External Accessibility of the Border Region II Priority Direction of Support 1 Enhancing Joint Management of Public Services and Natural Resources Direction of Support 3 Development of Active and Sustainable Communities (Small Project Facility) Quality Criteria Project is relevant to Programme Objectives Check supported activities!!! Only one Direction of Support!
4. Project Duration 7 Project start date: First costs incurred or paid Eearliest – the day after the decision of the Joint Monitoring and Steering Commitee Latest – within 1 month after LP signs the Subsidy Contract Project end date: First date + duration = end date One date for all project! Start and end date is fixed in the Subsidy Contract
5. Brief Summary of Project 8 Answer to the questions: Who (project partners) Where (place of implementation) Why (justification of project) What (aims of the project) How (main activities) What (outputs and benefit for the target groups) and Gives a first impression about the project! Published on the Programme website, presented to media PERSUADE DON’T GO TOO MUCH INTO DETAILS BE SPECIFIC, CONCISE
6. Total Project Budget 9 Filled in autmatically from Worksheet V ‘Project Budget’
7. Problem and Justification 10 Problem you want to solve, situation to improve? Background of project/partnership – has it origin in any previous project? Why partnership is needed? It is your chance to persuade assessors about project significance!!! Problem Joint / Common?
7. Problem and Justification: Recommendations 11 Justify, not only describe problem/situation Avoid general stereotypic statements, use statistics, researches and other relevant concrete data Choose problem that you can solve (instead of big problem that you can’t or even don’t have competence to solve Justify the need of the target group, not the project partners’ organisations unless they are project target group Answer if the project idea has cross border nature? Can’t it be solved separately on a national, local scale?
8. Objectives and Sub-objectives 12 1 overall and at least 2 sub-objectives Overall – strategic long term vision, non-achievable within project time, but project contributes to its achievement Sub-objective – operational aim, achievable within project If you don’t know where to go how would you know that you have came there? PROBLEMOBJECTIVES RESULTS Possibility to get funding is not target itself!
13 9. Project Target Groups Describe and indicate and describe direct target groups of the project and quantify the Indicate and explain what will be the effect or benefits for the project target groups from your project activities Interested parts: Target groups Project implementers Decision makers Financial source
Approach and Methodology 1.Describe coherence between: 2.Justify chosen Work Packages and thematic link between them 3.Coherence between investments and project objectives/activities Quality Criteria The proposed methodology and approach is coherent with project rationale PROBLEMOBJECTIVEACTIVITIESRESULTS
Contribution to Programme Objectives and Development Plans Describe coherence between project and Programme objectives Indicate compliance to regional and/or local planning/strategic documents Quality Criteria Project objectives are included into the local and/or regional planning documents
Contribution to EU Horizontal Policies Does the project contribute to: Sustainable development Equal opportunities Competition Partnership Additionality Quality Criteria Project is in line and contributes to the relevant EU and national legislation and policies as well as facilitate implementation of the Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region. NEWS: European Union Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region
Cross Border Impact and Innovative Approach Cross border v.s. national/local implementation Benefits for the border area Difference from existing solutions
WORKSHEET II Partnership 18
Partnership 19 Indicate: Involvement of each Partner in preparation of the application Commitment of the involved partners Justification of partner who is not from the Programme territory Involved personnel, duration of their work, monthly remuneration rate Justification of not balanced budget or partnership
Partnership 20 Shortcomings of partnership: Little knowledge about the partners No clear common understanding of the project targets Planned outputs and results not relevant for all the project partners Weak commitment of some partners to the project