V4.0/6 September 2005/DWD1 The Alliance: a Forum for Business Leaders Business Plan FY Daniel W. DeHayes Facilitator July 2005
V4.0/6 September 2005/DWD2 Outline Mission FY Goals FY Major Initiatives FY Budget
V4.0/6 September 2005/DWD3 The Mission The Alliance exists to help member companies make more money more enjoyably by creating a leadership forum that provides opportunities for networking and the exploration of new ideas.
V4.0/6 September 2005/DWD4 FY Goals Sustain excellent member satisfaction with programs Identify a sponsoring organization Have at least 40 members by the end of the fiscal year Achieve financial breakeven
V4.0/6 September 2005/DWD5 FY Major Initiatives Organize and execute 4 outstanding programs around the theme of “Managing During a Boom.” Conduct aggressive membership retention and recruitment program. Execute a transparent transition from IU JCEI. Support the governance structure of the organization.
V4.0/6 September 2005/DWD6 Action Plan--Programming for “Managing During a Boom” September 2005 –Update from the Statehouse--Gonso –Dealing with the Increasing Frequency of Discrimination Law Suits--Grover –Direction for the Alliance--DeHayes –Stages of Growth--Aplin –Doing the Same Thing Over and Over and Expecting the Same Result is Insanity--Haeberle and Norman –Feature Business Updates--Smith and Wagner
V4.0/6 September 2005/DWD7 Action Plan--Programming for “Managing During a Boom”--continued November 2005 –Economic Forecast for Economist –Panel Discussion: What We are Planning for Guests and Members –The New Rules in Selling a Business--Ho –Leadership at the Core and on the Edge--O’Neal –Supplier Management--Consultant
V4.0/6 September 2005/DWD8 Action Plan--Programming for “Managing During a Boom”--continued February 2006 –Matching Personal and Business Goals--Financial Planner –Improving Communication in Your Firm--Wentz –Improving Communication in your Firm #2--Wentz –A Successful Growth Story--Schenberg –An Unsuccessful Growth Story--Lybrook and Teletron Case –?
V4.0/6 September 2005/DWD9 Action Plan--Programming for “Managing During a Boom”--continued May 2006 –Managing from a Forecast during a Boom--? –Panel Discussion: Discovering the Peak of a Boom--Members and Guests –Integrating Customer Processes with Yours--? –Leading at Peak--Psychologist –?
V4.0/6 September 2005/DWD10 Action Plan--Retain and Recruit Members Inform members of transition. Identify concerns among the members over the transition. Identify prospective new members via current members and personal contacts. Encourage current members to invite guests to meetings. Visit sample of member firms to learn their business. Clarify membership rules.
V4.0/6 September 2005/DWD11 Action Plan--Managing a Successful Transition Hire experienced, helpful person as the “Account Manager.” Install electronic infrastructure. Set up office for the administrative person. Transfer and inventory paper and electronic files from JCEI. Collect FY dues promptly. Establish key administrative processes.
V4.0/6 September 2005/DWD12 Action Plan--Support the Governance Structure Identify candidates for future leadership positions. Identify potential sponsoring the organizations, working with the Board to select. Hold regular and special board of advisors meetings. Secure pro bono auditing service for financials. Actively engage WLH + DCH as advisors.
V4.0/6 September 2005/DWD13 FY Cash Budget Beginning Cash Balance$ 0 Revenue$ 95,000 Expenses –Facilitator$ 36,000 –Administrative Support 20,000 –Travel 3,000 –Supplies 5,500 –Conference Center 18,250 –Office Expense 5,000 –Speaker Expenses 6,000 TOTAL$ 93,750 Ending Cash Balance$ 1,250