HSCB LEARNING AND DEVELOPMENT A PROGRESS REPORT Deborah Brice – Chair HSCB Learning and Development Subgroup
Structure of sub-group Learning & Development Subgroup Strategy group Monitoring & Evaluation Group Delivery Group
Membership Education Health Police Adult services University of Herts. Probation Social Care
Highlights Permanent training team remains. Combining of L & D Manager with HSCB Development Manager (acting) post, Level one Safeguarding training evaluated within all agencies using evaluation tool. Successful annual conference on the subject of Neglect Graded Care Profile train the trainers programme.
Highlights 2010 – 2011 cont Development of Lite-bites training to include FII & Safeguarding Children with a Disability, Bruising in Babies Greater focus on lessons learned from Partnership Case Reviews within generic training and development of identified specific training Training pool grows as train the trainer programme continues. Trainer network for all safeguarding trainers in Hertfordshire for support and updates.
Outcomes….. Delivered more for less i.e. 482 people were trained in and in this number rose to 947 people being trained. Percentage of attendance on courses remain high at from 84%. Courses therefore not operating at a loss and are relevant to the needs of agencies and practitioners.
Outcomes continued… All actions in the HSCB business plan achieved for the provision, strategic direction and monitoring of training Positive evaluations
Next steps 2012 conference delivered in localities Further development of cost effective training/learning based on latest research Support of interface project – strengthening the link between adult and childrens services Training developed in local CP forums areas to ensure learning meeting local needs.