1 PAMIR – Preliminary findings Dr. Marco Elia Dushanbe, 9 th January 2007 “Plans Actions Measures for International Relations – PAMIR” Project Kick-off Meeting 9th- 10th January 2007 Tajik State University of Commerce
2 Summary 1.Introduction 2.Main activities 3.Sustainability and Dissemination 4.Q & A
3 Introduction During the first joint work with Tajik State University representatives: 1.The main features of TEMPUS Projects, and PAMIR Project, have been discussed in details 2.The actual organisation of the International Relations Department at the Tajik State University has been assessed 3.The original schedule has been adapted according to the specific needs of each university partner 4.The implementation of each activity has been discussed and a final agreement has been reached
4 Kick-off meeting in Dushanbe (January 2007) Workshop in Turin (July 2007) Training seminar in Dushanbe (September 2007) National conference in Tajikistan (July 2008) Training seminar in Perugia (October 2008) Development of ECTS strategy in Malta (January 2009) Final conference in Tajikistan (May 2009) Main activities
5 Moreover these components will be implemented throughout the lenght of the project: English course Equipment provided (to upgrade the Information and Communication Technology system) Main activities
6 Sustainability and Dissemination SUSTAINABILITY. The development of a long-term business plan for the International Relations Department reorganised will be implemented within the first two years of the project DISSEMINATION. Electronic newletter issued twice a year in local language and set up of a project website in English and Russian
7 Thank you Q & A