Who we are, what we’ve done, and where we’re headed Tonight’s Agenda Food & Socializing Quick Presentation Group Feedback and Discussion Welcome!
Roadmap Intro to Organization Who we are, why we were formed Goals and missions State of the Union Events we’ve had Feedback Looking Forward What we plan to do What you want us to do!
Who we are and our goals Group Intro
What is the IEEE GSB Organization for graduate students Comprised of IEEE members Exist to serve the graduate students First IEEE Graduate Student Branch What is IEEE ? “Largest professional association for the advancement of technology”
But Don’t We Already Have an IEEE Student Branch Existing OSU Student Branch Graduate students welcome Events geared towards undergraduates What’s different about Grads? Research/technical focus Diverse backgrounds Career paths GSB formed to serve grad student needs specifically
Member Intro Current Members Share Name / Office Degree / Year in School Research Area / Advisor What are the benefits of a strong GSB?
Missions To promote a better graduate experience Social and professional development Student resources To support your research efforts Skills presentations Informal peer research talks To support your career search Networking events Informational events
Preliminary Vision Provide an informal settings to Build networks/connections Share and develop ideas Enjoy your time at OSU Why? Interdisciplinary world Benefit from diverse experiences
How do we get money? Fundraising E-Council Others? IEEE Columbus Provides other resources Note: May 12 th Spring Banquet! Ohio Union Funds broadly applicable events
Events thus far and group feedback State of the Union
Events Thus Far Networking / Social Graduate Student Orientation (40-50) Autumn Picnic (20) Fortune Social (30) Research “Keys to successful research” (35) Careers “H-1B Visas and Green Card Processing” (150)
Financials Resource Room (Allowance) Yearly Budget:$ Recent Purchases: $ 1.50 (Misc) $ 8.00 (Kick-off Fliers ) Current Balance: $ Operating Funds Yearly Budget: $ Current Balance: $ Outstanding:$ 22.00( Postage ) $ ( Branch Kick-Off ) $ 50.00( Stationary )
Financials Dr. Berger’s Talk: Keys to successful research Total Requested:$ Receipts for: $ Balance: $ ItemEstimatedRequested Speaker$2500 Pizza and Pop$200 Advertisement$70 Takeaways$100 Total$620$370 ItemSpent Pizza 4 Buckeyes $ Pop 20 Sprint & 24 Water $ Ice and Cups$ Gift$ Table 1: Keys to Successful Research Budget Table 2: Expenses
Financials Teaching in Academia (5/18/2011) Total Requested:$ 482 Receipts for: $ 0 Balance: $ 482 ItemEstimatedRequestedSpent Speaker$ (so far) Gift$ Pizza and Pop$ Advertisement (Lantern and Fliers) $ 92 $ Feedback Forms$ 15 0 Total$ 782$ 4820 Table 3: Budget for Teaching in Academia Forum
Feedback Were the events useful? Did you know about the events? What made you come? What could we have done better? What were the best parts of the event?
What’s in store next and your input Where we are headed
Upcoming Events Careers in Academia (May 18 th ) Faculty Panel Q&A Entrepreneurship for Engineers (May 25 th ) Turn research into business Grad Student Careers and Internships (May 31 st ) Engineering career services Office of international affairs
Other Ideas Social Grad student lounge initiative Graduate student socials International pot luck Intramural teams / Day tournaments Research Student research day Informal peer presentations / paper reading Distinguished lecturers / department fellows
Ideas Continued Career development Industrial contacts resume/career seminar Graduate student presence w/faculty search Build alumni network Informal gathering with Columbus professionals
Let’s hear it Your Input
Feedback Were the events useful? Did you know about the events? What made you come? What could we have done better? What were the best parts of the event?
Events Thus Far Networking / Social Graduate Student Orientation (40-50) Autumn Picnic (20) Fortune Social (30) Research “Keys to successful research” (35) Careers “H-1B Visas and Green Card Processing” (150)
Brainstorming Which ideas do you like? Which suck? Do we need other missions? What other ideas would you like to see us pursue?
Ideas Career development Industrial contacts resume/career seminar Graduate student presence w/faculty search Build alumni network Informal gathering with Columbus professionals Social Grad student lounge initiative Graduate student socials International pot luck Intramural teams / Day tournaments Research Student research day Informal peer presentations / paper reading Distinguished lecturers / department fellows
Closing Interested? Sign up for our Google Group Meetings: 5:00 in CL 277 Thanks for coming!