Welcome to Back to School Night
What is math? MMental AAbuse TTo HHumans!
Shift to Common Core! * Shifts in Mathematics Focus...narrow and deepen the way time and energy is spent in the classroom...building strong foundations Coherence...thinking across grades...extension of previous learning...linking to major topics...deeper exploration Rigor...conceptual understanding...procedural skill and fluency...application * Fewer, clearer, higher *Three minutes to learn about common core:Three minutes to learn about common core:
Mathematics Instruction Should Shift TowardAway From Classrooms as mathematics communities Classrooms as collections of individuals Logic and mathematical evidence as verification The teacher as the sole authority for right answers Mathematical reasoning Mere memorizing of procedures Conjecturing, inventing and problem solving Finding answers mechanistically Connecting mathematics, its ideas, and its applications Treating mathematics as a body of isolated concepts and procedures Adapted from Professional Standards for Teaching Mathematics (NCTM) F IVE S HIFTS IN THE C LASSROOM E NVIRONMENT
What does that mean for Math 8? *This year may be difficult *New books! *More application than they’re used to *Multiple representations
What Else Do We Do? * Projects and Activities * Tuesday Silent Reading * Character Counts RESPONSIBILITY * Embrace our “inner nerd”
Staying Informed My website... click on my name!