President : Gwen Boudreau Vice President : Haley Dorsey Secretary: Megan McDonald Treasurer: Kayla Avery Volunteer Coordinator: Liza Backer Recruiter/Website Helper: Ali Seebruck
Dues ($20/yr) include: IL public schools access to your resume Opportunity to attend the AMLE conference in Fall Access to middle school journals
Food! Speakers from local middle schools (principals, teachers, counselors) Information about how to get involved (volunteer opportunities, other clubs) Info on developing your resume, other advice for new teachers
Facebook: ISU-CMLA Our website: Flyers coming soon!
Lesson plan ideas : Request invitation Ali’s website Free teaching newsletter : UgyCidbgcCicNDbNV UgyCidbgcCicNDbNV Signup: signup=smartbrief
ISU career center › Workshops on interviewing, resume developing, how to get involved, etc. › Lesson plan ideas, advice
Dues will be due in 2 weeks at our next meeting ($20) Meeting dates: Every other Tuesday 2/7, 2/21, 3/6, 3/20, 4/3, 4/17
Parkside Teachers panel Psychiatrist/middle school counselor Are you interested? Resume workshop with ISU Career Center Relay for Life 4/27