Secondary District Professional Development October 14, 2011 Welcome! Please put on a name tag with your name and school, find any open seat and introduce yourself to colleagues around you. Set up your computer. Boulder Valley School District Excellence & Equity
Introductions 1.In grouping #1, share the following: Name, school location, how long in BVSD, other courses taught 2.In grouping #2, describe the best professional development you’ve ever experienced 3.In grouping #3, share the following: What have you heard so far about Common Core State Standards, Colorado State Standards or about BVSD’s revised Curriculum Essentials Document? Boulder Valley School District Excellence & Equity
Today’s Agenda Boulder Valley School District Excellence & Equity 8:00 – 8:15Introductions 8: :25Establish Norms 8: :35Best Hopes and Biggest Roadblocks regarding the transition to the revised Curriculum Essentials Documents (CEDs) 8:35 – 11:15Review proposed revised Curriculum Essentials Documents (CEDs) and consider next steps 11:15-11:30Personal Reflection and Feedback to Planning Team
Objectives for Today’s Meeting Get to know each other and practice working as a Professional Learning Community (PLC) Explore the revised Curriculum Essentials Documents (CEDs) Set the stage for planning draft tools and sharing resources aligned to the CEDs Boulder Valley School District Excellence & Equity
Outcomes/Expectations List of norms that will be used for this meeting and the April 20, 2012 meeting GLE Chart Planning next steps with the CED Personal reflection (3-2-1) and feedback to planning team on a Scantron form Boulder Valley School District Excellence & Equity
Norms Teaching is increasingly a collective task. Teacher collaboration occurs both horizontally across grade levels, teams and content areas and vertically as the work of teachers feeds year to year achievement. To collaborate means to share knowledge, skills, questions and concerns with engaged colleagues and act in student interests. This is done through Reflective dialogue. How school people talk may be as important as what is talked about. To dialogue is to inquire, examine assumptions, and generate new thinking in an atmosphere of seeking to understand. To talk together about important things creates communities committed to each other and to shared action. Boulder Valley School District Excellence & Equity
NORMS OF COLLABORATION Putting Inquiry at the Center Exploring perceptions, assumptions, beliefs, and interpretations promotes the development of understanding. Inquiring into the ideas of others before advocating for one’s own ideas is important to productive dialogue and discussion. Pausing Pausing before responding or asking a question allows time for thinking and enhances dialogue, discussion, and decision-making. Paraphrasing Using a paraphrase starter such as “So...” or “As you are...” or “You’re thinking...” and following the starter with an efficient paraphrase assists members of the group in hearing and understanding one another as they converse and make decisions. Probing Using gentle open-ended probes or inquiries such as “Please say more about...” or “I’m interested in...” or “I’d like to hear more about...” increases the clarity and precision of the group’s thinking.
Placing Ideas on the Table Ideas are the heart of meaningful dialogue and discussion. Label the intention of your comments. For example: “Here is one idea...” or “One thought I have is...” or “Here is a possible approach...” Paying Attention to Self and Others Meaningful dialogue and discussion are facilitated when each group member is conscious of self and of others, and is aware of what s/he is saying and how it is said as well as how others are responding. Presuming Positive Intentions Assuming that others’ intentions are positive promotes and facilitates meaningful dialogue and discussion, and prevents unintentional put-downs. Using positive intentions in speech is one manifestation of this norm.
Best Hopes And Biggest Roadblocks Discuss “best hopes” and “biggest roadblocks” in pairs for 3 minutes Share out If not addressed today, add a note to the “parking lot” Boulder Valley School District Excellence & Equity
Curriculum Update Video Boulder Valley School District Excellence & Equity
CED Introduction Section 1.Take 10 minutes to read the introduction section of the new CED, asking yourself How is it organized? What is the format? What terms are used to describe different elements? How are standards for English language development addressed? 2.With a partner, take 10 minutes and complete a Venn Diagram of how the organization is the same and different between the existing (2009) CEDs and the new (2011) CEDs. 3.We’ll hear from three groups one thing that is the same about the organization of the new CEDs. 4.We’ll hear from three groups one thing that is different about the organization of the new CEDs. Boulder Valley School District Excellence & Equity
Grade Level Expectations (GLEs) 1.Divide into as many teams as there are GLEs for your course. Each team will be assigned one GLE to review in detail. 2.Turn the Venn Diagram over to your GLE Chart. 3.With your team, review the Grade Level Expectations (GLEs) for your assigned content area and complete the GLE Chart for them. Boulder Valley School District Excellence & Equity
Share out your GLE Chart Information 1.Each team reports out Column #5, “Current Ideas to help students learn this GLE,” and Column #7, “What you would like to create to help students learn this GLE” to the whole group. 2.Teams update their own charts as they hear good ideas. Boulder Valley School District Excellence & Equity
Next Steps Boulder Valley School District Excellence & Equity 1.As a school grade-level or course-level team, discuss what support you need to enhance your comfort with the new CED. 2.Begin planning your next steps in this process, from continuing to study the new CED to creating a draft tool for one content area that could be shared with others to make our collective work easier in August This could be a curriculum map, unit plan, lesson plan or assessment based on a GLE or a scaffold to support students to access the new GLEs and may be shared on April 20, 2012.
Individual Reflection and Feedback to Planning Team 1.Each person writes and then shares with a neighbor your 3, 2, 1 reflection. 2.Each person completes a Scantron feedback form. Boulder Valley School District Excellence & Equity
Boulder Valley School District Excellence & Equity